Freedom and Joy


By John Ashbrook

To some degree, each of us has different fears to face, problems to overcome, and lessons to learn, but the ultimate purpose of life on Earth is the same for everyone- to learn to create freedom and joy.

All of us are creative- we create our lives! Every movement, every feeling, every thought is creative. Our creativity exists on both the conscious and unconscious levels. For this reason, we do not always create what we think we are creating. The unconscious mind may have a different agenda than the conscious. We are not aware of what our unconscious mind is doing. It may actually be sabotaging our conscious wishes. That is why it is so important to cultivate higher consciousness.

Higher consciousness is the constant, ever-changing awareness of our psychological truth. It is an awareness not only of positive, conscious intent but also of negative, destructive intent that may lie in the unconscious. We strive for success consciously, but underneath there may also exist fear or an undeserving attitude toward success. That is why we so often see highly successful people doing things that either destroy or at least diminish the fruits of their labors. These people are taking their success away from themselves because, on some level, they don’t believe they deserve it.

In this world, you will end up with exactly what you believe you deserve. Consciously, you may believe you deserve the best – love, abundance, health, happiness – but if your unconscious mind fears these things for any reason, it will find ways to limit their acquisition.

The spiritual person understands that they must be aware of unconscious attitudes that prevent positive creating. They know that in order to create a beautiful life, the fears that lie in the unconscious must be brought to the surface, looked at in the light of reason, worked through, and dissolved. The more this process is done, the more conscious intent and unconscious intent come to unity. Once unity is achieved it is possible to create exactly what one wants in their life.

It is interesting to note that Earth is a good place to learn to create. Indeed, one of the biggest reasons we are here on Earth is to learn to use our immense creative power in a non-destructive way. The environment on Earth makes it possible to observe how we create. This is because of the limiting nature of matter. Matter is non-malleable energy. It continually imposes limits on our ability to create. Therefore, the concept of time allows us to see what we are doing as we attempt to manipulate our surroundings. If we end up with negative results, it is easy enough to go back and trace the steps of our creative attempts. In this way, we can observe how we have manipulated matter for the positive, negative, or in between. There are realities in the universe where thoughts materialize instantly! Obviously, we don’t go there until we have learned to manage our incredible creative talents responsibly! It would be like giving a baby the atomic bomb. Destruction is bound to ensue.

Always remember that in your attempts to create, you have a partner – the universe! In a partnership, the partners have different duties, and when both partners do their separate tasks to the best of their ability, uniform goals are achieved. In good partnerships, neither partner attempts to tell the other how to do their job.

So it is with you and the universe – tell the universe what you expect from it, but don’t tell it how to get the job done. When you do this, you are placing limits on the power of the universe. It is a matter of faith and force. Sometimes, just the act of wishing for something is enough force; have the faith not to force it. Let it go. Then, your wish is free to travel to the universal mind, and as soon as the universe receives your wish, it sets about to send the finished product back to you.

In addition, it is important to remember that the universe is the infinite response. All possibilities exist. The universe knows no right or wrong. It simply responds and it responds with enhancement. Because it is constantly expanding, it also expands all requests! You may get more than you asked for. Sometimes, just asking for what you want is not enough force, and you may have to take further action, but the overriding factor is one of balance. In other words, you may have to set various forces in motion before the universe can finish the job. Remember that creation is the result of an exact balance between faith and force. This requires knowing when you have applied the right amount of force and then applying no more. Faith must take over. “I have done everything I can to make this happen, and now I let it go with complete faith that it will happen.”

When there is an exact balance between faith and force, you will achieve exactly what you set out to do. If either faith (nonaction) or force is used too much or too little, the results will be distorted to the exact degree of imbalance. So, if we demand perfection, we may tend to force too much. As a general rule in our society, force is overused, and faith needs to be used more. We are afraid to let go. We are sure we must control what leads to the overuse of force.

It is important to note that you do not have to be perfect to create the life you long for. You are a created being of God; therefore, you are already perfect. Do not insult yourself or your creator by judging or condemning. The key to creating exactly what you want is acceptance. Love and accept yourself as you are at any moment, and you will always feel deserving. So, the basic building blocks necessary to create a life of freedom and joy are as follows:

  1. Cultivate higher consciousness through soul development.
  2. Realize that you and the universe have a creative partnership.
  3. Utilize faith and force in a balanced dynamic.
  4. Accept yourself with love and understanding in any given moment.
    The universe contains unlimited bounty. You can have as much as you wish, and you can be in a state of total bliss forever! You decide what you want, and you create it.


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