A Conversation with the Spirit of Spring


By Peggy River Singer

River: May I please speak to the spirit of Spring?

Spring: [I “see” a smiling woman with sparkling, merry eyes] Will I do?

River: Yes, of course! How did you come to be the spirit of Spring?

Spring: You could say I was created for the role. So, when I became a living entity back in the beginning, I was already in love with my mission and eager to begin.

River: Wonderful! Do you recall what your first day was like?

Spring: Oh, dazzling, wondrous, breathtaking! Although I was created knowing everything I needed to know, still there was the NEWNESS of this existence, the meeting of others, the joy of beginnings. I still get almost dizzy/whirly remembering it.

River: Will you tell us what a typical day is like for you?

Spring: [laughs] Quite different from a human’s day, I’m sure! Many of my tasks are naturally associated with day, night, seasons, equinoxes, and so forth, so that is the basic structure underlying any given time period. I am also able to access records/memories of the past and survey probable futures, although Creator is the only one who does that extensively. So, my abilities are vast and varied but not infinite.

River: Will you tell us how it feels to you to bring Spring to the land after a long, cold winter?

Spring: Gladly! I feel the longing in every heart [human and other] for the coming of milder temperatures, the beginnings of new growth, relief from dangerous cold. The excitement of Coming Forth, of travel to nesting grounds, the raising of little ones, every aspect is dear to me. In fact, I will confess that in my loving enthusiasm I sometimes need to remind myself that Earth Herself sets the timetable of the changing of seasons! My task is to be one of those who takes care of the details of my season on a schedule in partnership with other spirits, including Wind, Rain, and Sun. So it is, as you may say, quite a production! And I GLORY in every moment of it!

River: I notice you use the word “we.” Do you have a family?

Spring: Not in the human sense, no. My people [the Earth Spirits] do not marry, produce offspring, and so forth. We each have a mission we are dedicated to. With that said, there is much friendship and relationships of affection and humor among us. You might imagine [the equivalent of] getting together on a Saturday night with pizza and beer, if you like, and catching up with our friends. A well rounded life is part of being a complete spirit/individual, just as with humans.

River: Do your people work directly with humans at all?

Spring: Yes, that has always been so. Those you call shamans and seers are able to connect with us for learning and teaching of their fellow humans. I am delighted to see more people becoming able to achieve this and more interest in working with Earth Spirits.

River: Here in Michigan, tornadoes are a big part of the Spring season, and most people are terrified of them. Will you tell us what role these storms have from your point of view?

Spring: Tornadoes are energetic expressions of the meeting of two air masses. Cool air moves into an area and spreads like a blanket, blocking the restless, shifting activity of the warmer air underneath. So the warm air feels trapped and fights its way free.

River: I’m imagining the warm air elbowing its way up through the layer of cool air, saying “Excuse me! Coming through!”

Spring: [laughs delightedly] Very good, yes. You understand, the cool air means no harm; it is simply being itself. And the warm air simply obeys its “instinct” to seek freedom. There is no enmity, no argument.

River: Who decides whether a tornado will form from this process?

Spring: I shall say that Creator is in charge of the lives of great storms. 

River: If Wind and Rain are Earth Spirits, does a tornado have any form of awareness? Can it feel anger and become destructive, or can it feel the joy of its power?

Spring: It is not exactly a conscious being, so it does not possess emotions or intentions. It is a complex energy system that follows natural laws as directed by Creator. You are wondering, does Creator then allow a storm to cause great damage and even kill people? That is a natural question, but it is not one I am able to address.

River: I understand. Thank you so much for this conversation, it’s been delightful to speak with you!

Spring: I, too, have enjoyed this opportunity. Good life to you!

Peggy River Singer is a Lightworker, all-beings communicator, faerie ally, Reiki practitioner, and lifelong writer who combines her gifts to help create harmonious relationships among all who share the Earth. Previous columns and articles about her experiences and insights are posted on angelsfairiesandlife.wordpress.com. To request a reading, please call 734-548-0194.


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