A Lesson From Nature


By Susan deCaussin

Spring is a time of new beginnings. It’s a time when nature reminds us of the potential that exists within each of us. As I watch the landscape here in Michigan move from dull and gray to technicolor, I’m reminded of the possibility for change and growth we all hold inside.

We are such creatures of habit that it’s easy to slip into the mindset of limitation. When you fall into the comfort of routine, self-imposed boundaries can lead you to believe that nothing else exists outside your current reality. A person can feel imprisoned by their circumstances to the point of giving up on believing that change is even possible. But change is not only possible; it’s the underlying current that propels life forward at every moment of each day. 

Discomfort results from resistance. When life turns in an unfamiliar way, the unknown can leave us desperately clinging to the past. In our inability to embrace new and unfamiliar things, we tend to pull back and resist. In that process, we build energetic blocks within us, which create an imbalance in our body and mind. That can lead to everything from negative thoughts to illness and dis-ease. A resolution to this comes in two ways. 

First, reframing how you see and react to change is necessary. When people can completely surrender to the flow of life by accepting everything as a gift and/or lesson (for their highest and best), they can begin to form a habit of trusting the Divine Creator. Everything comes from one Source, which always brings about events and circumstances that will challenge you in the most unexpected ways. It’s about making a choice to move gracefully through each day, trusting that Divine Order and Divine Timing will always take precedence regardless of whether you choose to resist what’s happening or not. 

Worrying about or resisting something will not change what’s happening, but it will definitely change you. 

When life throws you a curveball, true power lies in your ability to accept what’s happening and release any desire to resist it. Ask yourself, “If I get upset about this, will it change the situation, or will it only change me?”  

Second, it’s necessary to release any of the banked-up negative energy from past trauma that has taken residence in you. Every situation has an energetic frequency that affects the energy flow in your body. So even when the trauma has passed, the energetic imprint is left behind. That imprint can disrupt your body’s ability to heal itself on a physical and emotional level. Releasing those blocks from the body allows balance to be restored and healing to occur. There are many ways to do this. A person may be able to clear those blockages using various therapeutic methods. 

Once you have surrendered to Source, realizing that you are always safe and all happens in Divine Order, and you’ve taken action to clear any existing blocks within you, resistance is released, and balance is restored. You can now move forward through life comfortably and confidently, surrendering and trusting in the flow.

I once asked Spirit, “What is the secret to life?”. I figured that one of three things would happen: I would hear some profound answer, I’d hear nothing at all, or I’d get struck down by lightning for being bold enough to ask (LOL). The response I received was this – The secret to life lies in our ability to adapt to change. Everything in life is in a constant state of evolution. Life becomes easy when we take a lesson from nature and surrender to change

There are really only three things that you can control in your life: what you say, what you do, and what you think—your words, your thoughts, and your actions. Attempting to change anything outside of those three things will create resistance within you. 

  1. Stop trying to control what’s not yours to control.
  2. TRUST in the Divine Order of things that Source has set forth.
  3. Do your part to release any negative, energetic imprints holding you back from healing.
  4. Move forward confidently and comfortably as you lovingly accept every life circumstance for the gift or lesson they provide to you.

Using Clinical Hypnotherapy combined with Spiritual Guidance, I assist clients in releasing trauma and reframing the way they see the experiences of their lives. If you’d like to learn more, please contact me for a free consultation. Namaste’ Susan

Susan deCaussin CHt


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