Adapting to Life Changes


By Susan deCaussin

You don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone. We’ve all heard that saying before. It’s really been ringing true in my life lately. Two weeks ago, I took a hard tumble off my porch and broke my ankle. There’s nothing like losing your mobility to show how much you can take for granted. Losing the ability to move freely in my home and get to my office has been a sobering experience. And, as with every life event, I have a choice as to how I will react to this unexpected interruption.

How do YOU react to changes in your life? Do you rebel against them, or do you adapt and accept them? Your answer is a true sign of the level of faith and trust you hold within you. Do you have faith in a higher power that carefully orchestrates all of your life events to coincide with the lessons your soul chose to experience during this human experience? Do you trust that, even when it cannot be easily identified, there is a Divine Purpose to everything that happens? Sometimes, we can’t answer those last two questions until we’re deep in the trenches of adversity.

There is, however, a way to prepare yourself for those big, not-so-pleasurable events. By purposely elevating your conscious awareness daily, you can begin to appreciate the goodness and strength that blooms out of difficult and trying situations. It doesn’t happen automatically. It’s a clear decision that one makes to seek and identify the positive things that occur as a result of those life-changing and sometimes very difficult times. Practicing this skill on the smaller, more tolerable life changes builds up your level of faith and trust. Then, when the bigger stuff happens, you’re better equipped to stay strong and move forward confidently.

Does this mean you’ll be able to avoid feelings of sadness, disappointment, and all of the emotions that go along with being derailed? No, of course not. The goal is to allow yourself to move through those emotions without setting up camp and deciding to reside there.

Another important note to share has to do with asking for help. This is a hard one for just about everyone! Always keep in mind that we’re all here having this earth-bound experience simultaneously to lean into each other from time to time. Being of service to others is a rewarding and wonderful experience. We all know how great that feels. So, when you need help, don’t deny someone the opportunity to be of service to you. This is a lesson that I’m still struggling to learn in my own life. Being the giver feels good, but opening up to receiving also makes others feel good! Namaste’


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