Ask And You Will Receive


By Barbra White

Are you asking? Women have been conditioned to be sacrificial lambs. Working with women for three decades now..,.Most are not even asking. The other group usually waits for permission. It’s not a woman’s fault. It was socially conditioned by generational trauma, thousands of years of patriarchy, and objectified body shame. 

Most women are not even asking. Ask, and you receive. 

Yet we must genuinely ask and step into an embodied holy yearning to activate this quantum potential. 

Some are asking, but they have been caught in the fight. Hear me….to the degree that you fight for your needs, you will get a fight. This is NOT truly activating the full power of sensuality, spirit, sexuality, and a surrendered, powerful, open heart to manifest and create change. 

When the Dalai Lama said, the western woman would save the world. I know this to be true. Yet trauma-informed psychic and sensual development, intimate connection to nature, and how to love all parts of oneself are NOT taught in one place!!!!! 

Divine Feminine Shamans—is the answer to that dire need.

In the field of infinite possibilities, all of LIFE wants to express THROUGH you. 

Yet, many try to create from an old paradigm or in reaction to conditions. The unknown is your greatness. The trees want to dance through you. Creation wants to Live through YOU.

There IS a Unique mosaic that is wonderfully FULLY you. Learn to play in Grace-Flow and eat at your own Divine Banquet. 

Stop being a beggar in your own LIFE!! 

Your True Self that is the beauty intelligence source, god, goddess, earth, buddha, or multidimensional SELF 

 Knowing this broader Self-identity, emotional pain or disappointments are no longer “proof of your brokenness” or proof of not being good enough. Use the trauma instead of the trauma using you. Let it become the mud to the Lotus of your Souls blossom. 

Open to the true brilliance that is you and learn to dance in your own divine mandate to unfold your gifts in only the way you can. 

Come Participate in the multidimensional aspect of your beautiful, unique being. It’s time. The world needs you to be fully you!

Mentoring, retreats, and apprenticeship. Text Barbra WhiteCrow at 734 796-6690 to set up a free session and discovery call. Don’t let

Ego block or delay your growth and happiness. Act now.


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