By Kathy Van Peteghem
Most know the quoted phrases from the Bible: “In the beginning was the Word” and the phrase God said, “Let there be light, and there was light.” What was spoken manifested? As humans, we all contain universal matter (A God Spark) and, thus, have the universal power to co-create. Our thoughts (intentions) are expressed through our words, which have frequency and sound. Our reality is created by the frequency of the vib we hold. Higher frequencies manifest and attract more positive outcomes, whereas lower frequencies manifest and attract more negative outcomes, which are often fear-based.
Sharon Anne Klingler’s book Power Words states that “every word carries an energy that can be sensed regardless of whether you’re thinking it, speaking it, hearing it, or reading it on a page. A lot of elements impact a word’s energy.” All of us carry specific images and emotions toward certain words.” Therefore, words can be used to inspire (expand) or block and shut down (contract)…to heal or to harm…to bless or to curse, to love or to hate.
How Are You Choosing to Live Your Life and Speak Your Truth?
Our current society tends to focus on the world’s problems and turmoil rather than on the world’s solutions, which provide abundance, creative, and innovative opportunities that society can call forth to manifest a more loving world.
Consider the following sectors we are exposed to daily:
Business/Health Markets-Ad campaigns use fear-based words like “Have you been scammed?” Hacked? Injured? Are you feeling fat, or are you mentally declining?
Government-political campaign ads use negative “smear” tactics to highlight the flaws of other candidates running for the same office and convince the voter that the candidate is more aligned with the position.
Religious Institutions-Although meaning well, often market and deliver “fear-based” dialogues that create in the receiver a sense of shame, guilt, and unworthiness to be loved by the Universe /God/Source, which tends to lead followers to program a belief within themselves, that their struggles and lack are punishments for their sins or offenses they must have committed. They are now separate from the Source/God.
Social Media/Entertainment Industry- Social media and the Entertainment Industry, on its bad days, have been huge influencers in delivering powerful spoken or sung words that are often used like weapons to blacklist, block truths, threaten innocent groups, scapegoat races, gaslight, profile and even bully others to the point that suicide awareness is now a new normal.
Our Tribe- how we engage and express our thoughts within our tribe circle is critical. Too often, instead of tribes showing support and love, there is often the opposite. Hurt, harm, abuse, and trauma keep tribes manifesting on the negative side with daily reports of shootings, domestic violence, and suicide. If one shares the same negative story over and over. They eventually believe it to be a “truth.” Those who hear it often also accept it as truth.
An example would be a family sibling who was always verbally told they were not as smart in a subject as their other siblings. When, in fact, the sibling was never given the opportunity to prove it wrong. A family history of addictions often repeats itself from parent to child, and it can usually take years to reverse and release the pattern of thinking. For example… if your parent was suffering from depression, most likely you will also have depression.
Because each of these sectors has word energies that have manifested into the universe at a given frequency and sound, the universe responds in kind, matching that frequency back to our being—seeing our current state of being on earth (running more negative stories than positive). Humanity needs to defrag and reboot! Most will agree that as we continue to awaken spiritually, fear-based living is not in alignment with our truth of who humanity truly is…one of love, compassion, creativity, and empathy. So now is the time to POWER UP our THOUGHTS and SPOKEN WORDS that align with those truths.
It begins with each one of us.
When you have a thought (intent) and are ready to verbalize it, hit the pause. Then ask yourself these two questions:
First, does it come from a place of love (heart-centered consciousness)? Am I speaking my inner truth for my highest good and for the good of others?
Second: Will it serve my joy state and uplift me (raise my frequency), or is it fear-based and will contract me (lower my frequency)?
By practicing these two steps BEFORE you speak your WORD, you will find that your life will soon manifest a little more heaven on earth for you and those you love.
Kathy Van Peteghem enjoys the creative side that embraces the body, mind, and spirit. She is a writer, photographer, musician, artist, gardener-herbalist, and nature lover who releases a stressful day with tap dancing and Gi-gong. She loves living life from the heart and hopes to inspire others to do the same.
Sunshine and Smiles,
Kathy Van Peteghem