Give = Get


By Susan deCaussin

What do you want more of in your life? I’m sure that most people are familiar with the saying, “You’ve got to give to get.” What does that mean to you? Perhaps you’ve never really given it a second thought. Well, here’s your chance to do just that.

One of my favorite pastimes is singing at my Spiritual Community or around the house. I recently learned a song that emphasized the concept of “give to get,” and it inspired me to dig deeper into understanding the importance of this action.

Everything exists in unlimited quantities. Still, many of us tend to limit what comes into our lives by focusing on only a small portion of what’s available. It’s defined as living from a place of lack. To accept good things in life, you must first train yourself in the art of focusing on what you desire. When you focus on the bad stuff, you get better and better at recognizing it and allowing that “bad” stuff to enter your consciousness, negatively affecting you. But when you make a habit of focusing on the good, you begin to fill your life with goodness, because it ALL exists at ALL times. 

What is it that you want to bring into your life? Is it unconditional love? How can a person even recognize unconditional love if they can’t love every aspect of themselves unconditionally and then open up to feeling worthy of receiving love from others? Suppose you’re seeking abundance in your life. In that case, however you may define it, you must hold abundance in your state of mind and give without limit, knowing and believing that you’re creating a habit of focusing on the unlimited goodness in the world. Another way of thinking of it would be to imagine a boomerang. Each time you wind up and throw that boomerang out into the world, it comes right back to you, carrying the same energy it left with. 

So, what’s holding you back from tapping into the unlimited goodness in the world? If you don’t feel loveable, it will feel awkward to accept the love of another.  If you don’t believe peace is possible, you’ll always concentrate on opposing forces – not remaining open to diversity with acceptance and understanding.  If you believe that happiness isn’t possible, you’ll deny yourself the opportunity to accept and participate in moments of joy happening all around you. 

In this holiday season, when much emphasis is placed on giving and receiving, why not consciously create a habit of putting what you want back into the world? If you want more love, find ways to give love. If you want more abundance, give up your resources unselfishly. If you want more peace, practice tolerance, acceptance, and understanding. Each time you purposely do this, you’ll be creating a habit of focusing on love, abundance, and peace – not to mention the positive impact you’ll have on the world. This habit will then shift your awareness to the limitless goodness that is always there. 

Remember, it ALL exists, in unlimited quantities, all around you. What are you throwing out into the world? What energy is coming back on that boomerang?

Susan deCaussin CHt


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