Healing with Energy:


All healing energy comes from the same source. Prayer, formal symbols, touch, and visualization are all forms of energy healing.

I use the Sacred Triad symbol. It is a triangle formed by three circles, which has existed in many forms and cultures since early man made their homes in caves. It is represented in many cultures and beliefs, including Christian, Pagan, Wiccan, Jewish, Muslim, etc.

In drawing the symbol, you connect to archangels who work with ascended masters to heal and transform others. They provide an energy base for healers and intuitives to connect through the symbol.

In a session with a woman I had read for previously, I connected with the Sacred Triad and was interpreting for her guides and angels via my intergalactic team of experts who assist and support me when she reminded me of something from a previous session… (I often don’t recallwhat I channel. Messages originate from the ever-flowing well of eternal knowledge that all intuitives draw from, flow through my consciousness, are translated to the client and released)

I had “blown” on her arthritic finger and it had improved tremendously. I asked my healing team of guides and angels why this new technique worked. We are all different energy patterns, my guides explained, and vibrate at a certain rate. What we ingest, our actions, emotional patterns and thought processes create and our bodies then impact our health as they raise, lower, interfere or block our energy patterns. (Remember,we cannot help someone move out of an energy pattern if they are not ready to do so.)

My guides liken performing energy healing to any other learned activity. Once we have assimilated the knowledge, we then give ourselves internal permission to do it. In other words, the trick is, once we know we can, we can!

On the first weekend in May, Mystic Connections is hosting our 4th Bi-annual Sacred Triad retreat.

It will be at Mott College at 550 Lake Dr. Lapeer, MI 48446. $5.00 Admission

Visit us that weekend. There are free lectures, fun activities, a hands on healing session, a mediumship demonstration from amazing intuitives, and twelve affordable classes. Come find out how powerful yet simple energy healing and connecting intuitively can be!

• Sampling of classes: Sacred Triad Healing and Connections, Reiki II—Prerequisite Reiki 1, and more—in all 12 incredible classes to choose from.

• A mediumship demonstration, different and amazing.

• A sacred ceremony from the pipe carrier of the Ojibwa nation.


To register and see full details visit mysticconnections.com/retreat. Or contact us at: 248 379-7324 and email us at mysticconnect@aol.com


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