By Ed Trainor
Joy and its derivatives, joyful, joyous, and rejoice, are most frequently used in December. We hear and see “Joy to the World”. We wish others “Peace, Joy, and Love in the New Year”. All three uplift life and uplift both the giver and the receiver of the wish.
We instinctively know that joy is expanded happiness. While others and events can enhance happiness, joy is a do-it-yourself endeavor. Joy is a product of YOUR thoughts and YOUR actions. Dr. David R. Hawkins writes, “As Love becomes more and more unconditional, it begins to be experienced as an inner joy.” “There is a desire to use one’s state of consciousness for the benefit of life itself rather than for particular individuals. This capacity is accompanied by the discovery that the more one loves, the more one can love.”
So, how can we bring more joy into our lives?
(1) Be aware of our negative thoughts and neutralize them. One way to do this is to relax our bodies, smile, embrace thoughts, let them go, and think of something positive.
(2) Sing or chant. A popular recording by Three Dog Night was “Joy to the World” (not the Christmas song). A Sunday school song sings, “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, down in my heart to stay.”
(3) In bed at night before sleep, slowly say the word joy while slightly moving a finger. Do this until each finger has been moved at least twice.
Peace, Joy, and Love,