Local Business News: Remote Sessions


Yes, I have opened into some really powerful remote work that I didn’t expect! I began exploring remote Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy sessions, both giving and receiving from a fellow practitioner and busted through some of my skepticism on whether the work could be effective at a distance (I have been a BCST practitioner for four years with in-person practice before this). I have now offered many remote sessions with clients I had already been working with in person, and they have also been pleasantly surprised at the power of the remote work.

I believe it’s the very medicine we need right now: having a resource of a grounded, centered, authentic connection. We create this connection by opening a Zoom call, and keeping this open during the session so that I can still guide you verbally as we also created the unified energetic space. I share some instructions in advance on how to set up your space on your end, and I join you from my treatment room, where I guide us through the session. A connection can truly happen across distance to offer the power of listening deeply to the body’s innate wisdom. This work supports you in relieving pain, easing anxiety, and finding ease in your body. As the body opens, there can be a much-welcomed sense of clarity on how to focus your energy in this time of much uncertainty and rapid shifting. People often feel relaxed and have a sense of hope, wellness, peace, and ease.

Book online and Give Yourself the Gift of Ahhhh! here: https://www.leslieblackburn.com/work-with-me/bcst

As always, I am offering remote Sacred Sexuality sessions as well, more about that work here: https://www.leslieblackburn.com/ (<<<—Note fresh new website!!)

Also, I am offering a free gift of a Grounding Centering Meditation here: https://www.leslieblackburn.com/resources/grounding-centering-meditation

Thank you!

Namaste, Leslie Blackburn
www.LeslieBlackburn.com 313-269-6719


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