By Eve Wilson
For almost 40 years, I have been training people to engage in the process of ascension and to manage that journey to have the smoothest experience. Here are some of the basic elements that can help you with yours!
Ascension is physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. All parts of us are ascending. There are always stressful elements of any change, and this one affects us so comprehensively that daily effort is required to keep body and soul on the right track for a positive experience.
People are experiencing more emotional and mental stress and anxiety than usual. This is a symptom of change. Attempting to suppress these with chemicals such as marijuana or alcohol disempowers and may effectively stall your transformation. Overeating can be another unhealthy way to calm stress.
Try the following suggestions for managing your transformational stressors, mastering the challenges, and growing strong.
Tools to Smooth Your Journey:
– Morning spiritual tune-up and preparation for your day makes the difference between struggling and thriving.
- In my Video Gallery at, Eve’s 3 Most Important Things Videos give you different levels of daily spiritual work to try. Even the most basic Video #1 will help, and if you like that, continue the series for more.
- Elements to include in your morning tune-up are centering in true identity as an eternal spiritual being having a human experience, grounding so you continue to charge energetically throughout the day, and setting clear boundaries with others so you don’t absorb their issues or become drained.
– Exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy attitude, wholeness, and the ground necessary to stay focused and spiritual in the world while everything shifts.
- I like to do my morning spiritual tune-up while exercising physically. This helps to ground my spirit into the earth and keeps me focused. And it’s so efficient!
– Stress Management could include –
- At the end of the day, a review is needed to love yourself through the stresses the day has carried and return to harmony with inner wisdom and unconditional love.
- Supplements I find help most people include Garden of Life Raw B Complex. Biotin, an essential element to relieve stress, can only be assimilated in a whole food form as it is with this formula. It is essential for clearing the anxiety and emotional/mental edginess that occur with vast change. Additional B-12 may be needed for over-55 yr. olds.
- Herbal teas that help include Yogi Relaxed Mind, Regular, and Rose Tulsi – though Tulsi has small amounts of caffeine in case you are sensitive to that, and Throat Coat from Traditional Medicinals. This last soothes irritable bowels, throats, and sinuses, all of which can be reactions to stress.
- Homeopathic Remedies are vibrational medicines that help clear toxic states of body, emotion, mind, and soul. X potencies treat physical, and C potencies treat emotional issues. These are gentle and safe and available online: Arnica Montana Homeopathic 300c helps to release, soothe, and recover from stress and trauma.
- Flower Remedies are vibrational medicines that specifically treat emotional and mental toxic states. These remedies are available online. Bach Flower Rescue Remedy is well known for its excellence in helping people release trauma. It has been very helpful for friends affected by the recent hurricanes. However, it is also useful for releasing and healing stress from past or present circumstances. This comes in drops and creams. I recommend drops. Walnut is another Bach Flower Remedy that helps people during times of change. Nasturtium is a flower remedy that helps handle stress.
– Soaks that can help are a sea salt foot soak, which uses ÂĽ cup or more sea salt in a pan or warm water. Soaking for 10 minutes will clear physical and psychic energy toxins from your body and aura. Flush the water down the drain and rinse afterward. Cider Vinegar – 1/3 cup in a bathtub is a good soak for clearing stress and neutralizing acidity.
– Meditating to return to unconditional love brings us unity with our eternal true self and helps us ascend and heal. When you feel upset, hurt, or fearful, unconditional love for yourself and all others is a choice of faith in the greater good for all. Working with your Angel Self is an extreme help in this process, which can be challenging otherwise. To find your angel self, see my blog post at and search for An Angel for Everything.
When life gets stressful, many people focus more on the outer stressors, which may feed the negative and dig a deeper hole. Making time to center yourself, ground yourself into wholeness and truth, and do some basic self-care gives you what is needed to have a great day!