Mother Earth’s Unconditional Love


By Rev. Kathleen A. Kosmal

“On a dark night, Kindled in love with yearnings- oh, happy chance!” said St. John of the Cross. Fortunately, Mother Earth faithfully supplies spring after the darkest season. “The great and glorious center of your heart will burst wide open as if struck by a lightning flash, and you will become the vibration of Love, a vibration so exalted above the love of human emotion that the languages of the Earth do not contain words vivid enough to make the comparison.” Ruby Nelson, The Door of Everything. 

Oh! Happy is a chance to awaken to the vibration of love. 

Emotions create vibrations. Using the spiritual power gifted at birth, I express myself and hold space open with my emotional vibration. My responsibility is to bring myself to God’s consciousness and union with my Eternal Self. Spirit never gives us more than we can bear, so seasons repeat for a reason. When ready, I allow the gifts of creation to ascend my Soul.

Springtime offers evidence of hope. Each bud promises renewal. Each day brings more light. Hope holds evil in its power, and I receive healing trust, desire good, and am enfolded in the Spirit’s gifts supporting my assumption of good. I receive guidance and a knowing, inspiring me to compassion, accuracy, and truth. Faith with hope is a powerful changing agent. No wonder Mother Earth is so good at it, even if I thwart it. Oh! Happy is not being in charge.

Going deeper into this moment, I am free to feel the unconditional love of Spirit. Understanding who I am and why I am here provides balance, security, and love, from which my Eternal Self more easily ascends. Again, the Spirit is the life, the mind is the builder, and the physical is the result. And again, point me to my purpose, Spirit. “Who am I?”

1. Name

2. Date of Birth

3. Time of Birth

4. Location of Birth

At birth, I was provided with an Akashic Records library card (access to Infinite Intelligence) and seven (7) gifts of creation: “Why am I here?”

5. Family Factors

6. Gifts and Talents

7. Quirks

To better understand why I picked my family, what my gifts and talents are, and what irritates me, I use the gifts of creation:

1. Inspiring

2. Clarifying

3. Forming

4. Expanding

5. Vitalizing

6. Recreating

7. Holding

My Divinity inspires me. I clarify my separateness and union with the Creator. I formulate my needs and express them. I expand my light, love, and understanding. Ease and abundance vitalize my Soul with unlimited resources I have yet to discover. I create a more harmonious vibration. I am holding safely in the arms of our Earth, which, even with all our crazy, lovingly holds us from spinning off. Seasonally, Mother repeats: “I love you. I love you. I love you.” Everything that is not of the highest vibration is unconditionally received, purified in Earth’s fiery center, and released back, enriching us. Oh! Happy is a mother’s unconditional love.

In every season, emotions are neither good nor bad. “Bad is a judgment based on discomfort.” Kimberly Marooney, Angel Blessings. 

Emotions are vibrating tools that keep our space open. They indicate issues to work on and measure truth for our Soul’s ascension. Feel free to freely feel. Emotions reign clarity like the old adage, “April showers bring May flowers.” Oh! Happy Spring.

Rev. Kathleen A. Kosmal

(586) 859- 8079


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