Over 150 Booths at the Enlightened Soul Expo, Sep. 22-23


Over 150 Booths at the Enlightened Soul Expo, Sep. 22-23

The sixth annual “Fall Enlightened Soul Expo” will take place on Saturday and Sunday, September 22–23, at Skyline High School in Ann Arbor. The Expo has become the largest indoor event of its kind in Michigan, with more than 150 holistic booths from around the Midwest.

Those seeking better health can learn about an extensive selection of the latest holistic health products such as CBD oil, emu oil, flower essences, essential oils, magnetic grounding jewelry; neuro tech Voxx socks, and arthritis herbal tea. DNA and Nutrition Response Testing are also available. A variety of vendors will be selling their hand-crafted, natural, and organic body and home products, without additives or chemicals.

Attendees can experience bodywork at free or introductory prices from practitioners using unique modalities, including crystal healing, reflexology, ThetaHealing, BEMER, Reiki (Holy Fire, Usui & Karuna), vibrational sound healing, aura and chakra reading, and Amethyst Biomat. Energy workers are often guided by their intuitive abilities to find a body’s needs or to share medical intuitive messages.

Intuitive readings are available in the exclusive and popular Reader Room, with no interruptions and concierge service. Both 20-minute ($30) and 30-minute ($50) readings are available with a wide range of mediums, card readers, psychics, channelers, and medical intuitives. Appointments and payments are taken centrally, outside the Reader Room, to streamline the reading process and minimize distractions. Readings can be pre-booked for the first hour of each day by paying in advance on the website. Many readers sell-out hours before closing each day, so this option was added to allow clients the chance to plan ahead.

There will also be free presentations during the two days:


11:00am–12:00pm: Adrianna Lesniak, Gallery Reading

12:30–1:30pm: Marjorie Farnsworth, “21st Century Shamanic Healing”

2:00–3:00pm: Lisa Bousson, Gallery Reading

3:30–4:30pm: TBA

5:00–6:00pm: Reverends Annette & Edward Jones, “Ascension 101: The Physics & Metaphysics of Where We Are and Are Going”


11:30am–12:30pm: “Ask Laura” Berlin, Gallery Reading

1:00–2:00pm: Selene Negrette, “Love Fix – The Angels’ Way”

2:30–3:30pm: B.A. Bortles, Gallery Reading

4:00–5:00pm: Tammy Braswell, Channeling “ALL THAT IS”

In the Gallery Readings, mediums share messages with the audience from departed loved ones. Not everyone in the audience will receive a message, but all can benefit from the messages received.

The Expo’s hours are 10 a.m.-6 p.m. on September 22, and 11 a.m.-5 p.m. on September 23.

$9 advance daily adult ticket/$14 advance adult weekend pass includes free parking. College students $7 in advance, ages 12-17 $5, kids under 12 free; prices for services vary. Location: 2552 N. Maple Rd., Maple-Miller Exit 2 on MI-14, Ann Arbor. For more information, visit EnlightenedSoulExpo.com.


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