

By Cheryl Beshada C.M.Ht.

Q: Do I need to prioritize my goals?

A: Prioritizing goals is very important for the ease and timing of the desired outcome. What if more time is needed, as certain things may need to “come into place” before the goal is ready to be achieved? Through hypnosis, a certified hypnotherapist can help you access your super-consciousness, also known as the Higher Self.  This very wise part of “self” can see above the “maze” of your conscious thoughts and of your everyday living.  You can communicate with your super-conscious mind through properly guided hypnosis, where higher levels of consciousness can be achieved.   Usually, people select up to three goals and then access the super-conscious to guide them with the best selection and sequence.  We may ask if the goal is in your best interest and if anything is blocking you from reaching that goal.  We may ask what needs to happen before the goal can be achieved. Through hypnosis, you can prioritize more effectively and in a way that addresses the conscious and the subconscious desires.  A hypnotherapist skilled in these processes can save time and effort to achieve your goals more effectively.

The Clinical Hypnosis Professional Group (CHPG)  is a Directory of individuals who have maintained the Continuing Education Units or requirements to ensure top-notch services.  Go to to find a Certified Hypnotherapist near you. 

Are you interested in becoming a Professional Hypnotherapist?  Our next class starts February 8th, 2025.  Call (586) 899-9009 or visit our website at


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