Q: Can Regression Therapy help me find my Soul’s Purpose?


A: Hypnotherapy is a wonderful tool that serves many purposes. Through Spiritual Hypnotherapy, we can help people tap into a higher level of consciousness where people can gain insight and awareness of their questions, ongoing issues, and their soul’s purpose. As the energy on the planet is speeding up, people have the opportunity to see more clearly and evolve much more quickly. Spiritual Hypnotherapy can help people resolve problems and come to a clear understanding and resolution of issues in their life.   

Through Higher Self communication, you are guided to connect with the Masters, Guides, Angels, and/or Light Beings that can give you some insight and understanding as to the issues we are addressing. Because this work incorporates higher aspects of the being, information comes easily. This information is very wise yet short, concise, and easy to understand. It is a much quicker and gentler therapy compared to the more traditional modes of analytical and regression Hypnotherapy. Some clients have reported major problems resolved in very few sessions.    

What is Your Higher Self?   

  • Your Higher Self is that part of you that is all-wise and all-knowing.   
  • It has been with you since the very beginning of your soul’s existence.   
  • It always has your best interest in mind at heart.  
  • Your Higher Self loves you unconditionally, no matter what. 

In his book, “Vibrational Medicine,” Dr. Richard Gerber refers to the Higher Self as the Super Conscious mind that understands the predicaments of our lives, even when consciously we don’t. According to Gerber, “the Higher Self holds the solutions to many of our problems because it can see from a perspective that goes beyond the mundane day-to-day obstacles that we encounter. The Higher Self is also aware when we’re holding ourselves back from our true potential. “Some conditioning may apply, and a professional hypnotherapist can best assess which program works well for you.


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