Restoring Smiles with Dental Implants


A beautiful smile can light up a room! The way our teeth look can often affect our persona and the way we feel about ourself. If you’re missing teeth and are feeling particularly anxious about your smile, know that there is a solution!

Dental implants are the most common way to treat missing teeth and can be done at many dental practices such as Enhanced Dental Studios ( It is a procedure where the whole tooth, root and crown, are replaced with an artificial tooth; a Dental Implant. By placing an implant where there is a missing tooth, dentists are able to improve and maintain a healthy, balanced smile. The benefits of an implant are that it conserves tooth structure of the adjacent teeth and prevents bone loss or misalignment resulting from the loss of a tooth.

Dental implants are made of titanium and are custom-made. The titanium material is safe and non-toxic and can be color matched to surrounding teeth. It is applied in the mouth using exclusive, technologically enhanced surgical processes. Once an implant is inserted, over a period of months the implant is healing and at the same time it is naturally fusing to the bone surrounding it. Once healed and fused, the final touch of attaching the crown is performed, completing the whole process and making headway towards the beautiful outlook that your smile truly deserves. The crown is made of zirconia and is also non-toxic and safe.

Care for Dental implants is very similar to how you care for your natural teeth in terms of brushing and flossing. They are known for their durability and for being long lasting. Because dental implants are artificial, there are no chances for cavities, however, regular care will prevent plaque that can build up and possibly lead to gum disease. Therefore, typical brushing and flossing will go a long way in maintaining the health of your implants and natural teeth, along with brightening your smile.

Dental implants are extremely helpful for those who wear dentures, as they provide tremendous support in stabilizing the dentures in the mouth. After having implants placed, dentures can be adjusted to attach directly to the implants. It’s one simple procedure that eliminates the discomfort of dentures that are not adequately secured.

Through restorative implant dentistry, Dr. Reilly can replace areas of lost teeth with natural, esthetic and functional implants and crowns. It’s a much less painful procedure that is easier to accomplish than most people think.

Schedule your FREE consultation by calling: 248-642-4484. You can visit Dr. Reilly’s website: to view before and after pictures of smiles that radiate!

Dr. Tim Reilly graduated from U of D Mercy in 1996, with his undergraduate from Eastern Michigan University. His Bloomfield Hills practice of 19 years focuses on family, cosmetic, and implant dentistry with a holistic approach. He has helped many patients become mercury free, using a conservative approach, as well as digital x-rays for minimal radiation.


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