Success in Life and Love


I’m always searching for ways to help my patients succeed in health, life, and love. Not coincidentally, this gives me extra incentive for learning new things and expanding my knowledge base. When I find a really well-written book that contains nuggets of wisdom, it’s like finding a gold mine without having to sift through piles of rubble. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra is such a book.

Chopra defines success as, “the ability to fulfill your desires with effortless ease.” When we understand and apply the principles from The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, I believe that we will experience success in each and every endeavor we undertake throughout our lives.

To determine if these principles resonate with you, I’ve provided a brief outline of The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. If they sound familiar, that’s great! When similar answers are obtained from multiple, respectable sources, it provides reassurance that we’re on the right track. My experience shows that what is true repeats itself in many ways.

Chopra’s principles are based on the same laws that nature uses to create everything we see, hear, smell, taste, or touch. When we align ourselves with the laws of nature, all good things will begin to flow to us in abundance. And while material abundance often makes life more enjoyable, true success encompasses so much more. True success includes good health, energy, fulfilling relationships, enthusiasm for life, peace, and a sense of well-being.

1. The Law of Pure Potentiality: We are pure consciousness which is pure potentiality. Chopra explains that we are the immeasurable potential of all that is, was, and will be. The ego operates from a fear-based system which relies on the approval of others, but our true Self is immune to criticism, has respect for all people, and practices non-judgment. Our true Self has power because it recognizes the spirit we have in common with each other, and everything in the universe, as opposed to our ego which sees only separateness.

2. The Law of Giving: Giving and receiving are part of the same energy flow in the universe. We receive in abundance when we give what we seek. Intention is all important. If we give but then feel loss, we break the flow. Love, caring, affection, attention, a compliment, and prayers are all powerful gifts.

3. The Law of ‘Karma’ or Cause and Effect: Rather than making choices unconsciously, we need to become conscious of all our choices. We must also develop the habit of asking ourselves if something we do or say will bring happiness to ourselves and/or to others. Correct choices will be guided by physical sensations in the body, especially the heart.

4. The Law of Least Effort: This law is comprised of three components: Acceptance, Responsibility, and Defenselessness (which means desisting from defending our point of view.) When we stop fighting with the universe, this energy will be rerouted for our benefit.

5. The Law of Intention and Desire: Energy and information exists everywhere in nature. Attention organizes – and intention transforms. This means that whatever we put our attention on grows stronger. Whether this leads to something good or something bad, we are making the choice. Intention works best with adherence to the law of detachment (#6.) This means that we need to be willing to accept whatever outcome the universe feels is in our best interest, even if it was not the outcome we originally chose.

6. The Law of Detachment: To have things in the physical universe we must first give up our attachment to them, but not give up our intention or desire for them. We can have a definite idea of what we want, yet be willing to accept something even better. Attachment is poverty consciousness; detachment is the freedom to create.

7. The Law of Dharma: In Sanskrit, Dharma means ‘purpose in life’. The divine within us manifests in human form to fulfill a purpose. Through our own unique talents, each of us can do something better than anyone else in our own unique way. This law has three components and three commitments that may be used to help implement the law: 1.) Discovering our true Self, and committing to continually seek our higher spiritual self through spiritual practice. 2.) Discovering our own unique talents while enjoying their expression. 3.) Service to humanity in which we ask how we can help those we come into contact with. When we truly get this, we will have access to unlimited and permanent abundance. This means we ask, “How can I help?” rather than, “What’s in it for me?” The dialogue of the spirit, rather than the ego, leads to unlimited abundance. Chopra suggests that we ask ourselves, “If money was no concern and you had all the time and money in the world, what would you do?”

The seven laws are like a stack of gold nuggets waiting to be placed into your pocket. Understanding them and keeping them with us until they become second nature are the first steps towards attaining peace, lasting happiness, and ultimate success.

Life can be filled with as much magic as we allow, so why not believe we can have everything our heart desires? Success in life and success in love go hand in hand. This Valentine’s Day is a great time to begin sharing our true nature with others.

Chopra quotes Gautama Buddha on the last page (pg. 111) to remind us that physical existence is transient and momentary, whereas life is eternal. Then he concludes, “If we share our lives with caring, lightheartedness, and love, we will create abundance and joy for each other. And then this moment will have been worthwhile.”

P.S. If you enjoyed this article please share it – and reap the benefits of The Law of Giving!


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