Well, Sylvia, you aren’t in Kansas anymore… it’s been quite sometime since Sylvia Celeste Browne was in Kansas actually, Kansas City, MO that is, where the psychic icon, renowned spiritual teacher and prolific author (50 published works to her credit) was born on October 19, 1936. And the psychic abilities that surfaced by the age of three carried her on a 6 decade journey of wonder and discovery that she shared with the millions of people who followed her in the media, put 20 of her books on the New York Times best sellers list, supported the Nirvana Foundation that she founded in 1974, and the Society of Novus Spiritus (new spirit), the non-profit organization she started in 1986.
For 17 years, Sylvia Browne was a fixture on the Montel Williams show and devotees flocked to take cruises with her; they’d sit in packed auditoriums to hear her speak as well as book readings with the woman who would admonish those eager seekers: “Take what you want and leave the rest behind”. Sylvia Browne took what she wanted from life and left behind a legacy that will keep her star in the heavens shining beyond the bounds of time. On Tuesday, November 20, 2013 she chose to live in 2nd of the two worlds of her life!