Not too long ago, I was motivated by fear and pain. I was worried that if I didn’t work hard enough then neither I nor my family would be happy. I would not be able to take them on nice vacations, I would not be able to retire, I would not be able to be able to afford the extracurricular activities my kids wanted, I would not be able to buy nice gifts for my wife. I think you get the pattern. I was also motivated by pain. The pain of losing a job, the pain or panic attacks, the pain in the chest, the emotional pain of fighting with my wife, yelling at my kids. And yet I did nothing to change the way I was.
Fear Is A Powerful Motivator
It was my wife who decided life could and should be better. It was I who resisted her vision. I was afraid of change. She declared she was attending a weeklong personal transformation seminar. I told her she was not going. We proceeded to argue about it. At some level I knew I had no power, that things had changed, that they would never be the same. I unconsciously knew that if I didn’t change, my wife would come home a different person and we may no longer be together. Paradoxically, it was fear that motivated me again. Knowing that I had lost the battle, with a week to go, I signed up for this Personal Transformation Breathwork Seminar … and it has made all the difference.
Let’s look at some but not all of the changes:
• I rarely get angry
• I have more energy
• I sleep better
• I am healthier and rarely get sick
• I am more nurturing and caring of my wife
• I am more present
• I accomplish more with less
• I know peace of mind, and
• I am motivated by something greater than myself
Propelled By A Greater Vision
Rather than running from pain and fear as I did not too long ago, my life is now propelled by a greater vision. I understand the drama, pain and suffering we call life because I have lived it. Through my experience and the witness of thousands of others, I have found a way to quickly rise above it. And it is my vision to share it with as many people as possible. I want you to know that there is another way, a way that is simpler, easier, and more fun. A way that will bring health, well-being and joy into your life, a way that will open you up to new possibilities, a way that brings peace to not just you but to your family and all you meet because you are the peace you seek. This is what Ghandi meant when he said “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Change Is Simple, But Not Always Easy
You can be the change. It is simple, but sometimes it is not easy. It is simple because all you need to do is let go of your old ways of thinking. It is not easy because we resist change; we are invested in our story. It is hard to choose anew even when we know it will be better for us. I held on for years and not until I knew my marriage would end did I change. As Michael Beckwith says “The pain will push you till the vision pulls you.”
Occasional Positive Thoughts Are Not Enough
How do we get to the point where a greater vision can pull us? Paramahansa Yogananda says that “If your mind is ordinarily in a negative state, an occasional positive thought is not sufficient to attract success. But if you think rightly you will find your goal even though you seem to be enveloped in darkness.” So how do we move from negative to right thinking and do it quickly? The answer for many as it was for me was to immerse myself in a higher energy and higher state of consciousness. I needed a powerful catalyst for change, something to shake me up from the core of my being. And that it did. And that is why it has made all the difference. That is why I have received so many gifts. That is why I am now on a different path. That is why I now travel the world teaching the Personal Transformation Breathwork Seminar.
You too can be on a different path, a higher path, a path of your choosing. Do not remain stuck where you are because of your fear or because you think you can’t. You can and you will. You just need to take the first step in the right direction. Take it now. There is no better time.
Dave Krajovic