The Ascended Masters


We have never been left alone on this planet nor are we now. There are always teachers greater than we are to guide, heal and teach us. If we want examples of sheer courage and relentless determination to further the cause of peace and enlightenment on our world at a tremendous sacrifice to themselves, we need look no further than the all-compassionate, all-wise Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth. These are advanced men and women who live in retreats around the world; have walked among us to help us at crucial times in our history; and have inspired down through the centuries. They have held the light for us despite, for the most part, our disbelief, our disinterest, and even scorn.

I have always been fascinated by the Masters and their teachings and works, and I had the great fortune to finally meet and study with the Spiritual Master, Dr. George King at a young age. I was privileged to become a close student for over twenty years until his passing in 1997 and worked at The Aetherius Society that he founded. It was at the American Headquarters that I met my husband, Gary, who was also a direct disciple of Dr. King.

Dr. George King was not an ordinary man, not an ordinary Master. His own status was elevated and, like other Cosmic Masters who have come to earth – The Lord Babaji, The Lord Buddha, The Master Jesus, Sri Krishna, and others, he worked closely with the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth. From our Master, we learned about these wonderful Masters and about The Cosmic Plan for the peace and enlightenment of humanity and how we ordinary people can cooperate with it.

One of the many things Dr. King taught through example was that nothing of any lasting value is easy to achieve. This is achieved through hard work, discipline, and effort. The lasting value of spiritual attainment is achieved through determined effort and a good measure of courage. We may glimpse the mountaintop of Spiritual achievement and see grouped there the Masters and Ascended Masters who inspire us. However, their level of advancement has been achieved over many lifetimes of service, sacrifice, self-discipline and an overriding love of God.

How do we learn about the Ascended Masters and why is this important? By glimpsing the fascinating world and inner workings of this Spiritual Brotherhood, we can unlock the previously secret doors which are now opening for seekers of truth and initiates worldwide. As we enter the Aquarian Age, the mysteries are being revealed; it is now the time for us to join together and work together in the light of the teachings and wisdom of the Masters, Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth, and of the Cosmic Masters from beyond this earth. Although these Masters are so far above us in evolution, when we take a courageous step towards them, with a desire to learn more and to assist in the great cause of peace on earth — which these Masters are working so hard to help us achieve — I believe the way forward for each of us will be revealed.

Gary and I will be giving a talk on The Ascended Masters of The Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth on Friday, August 2. You will hear not idle dreams but definite experiences, procedures, tasks, rituals and other information revealed about the Ascended Masters by our own Master, who worked closely with the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth.

For further information about the lecture on The Ascended Masters on August 2, at The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell Road, Royal Oak, MI 48073, please email me at or call 248-588-0290.


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