The Secret Intention Behind the Guide


The Secret Intention Behind the Guide…

Hi everyone, I’m Penny Golden, the creator of the Body Mind Spirit Guide; I started it 17 years ago with the help of my husband, Howard Golden, and a lot has changed since then; my hubby and best friend of 30 years died in 2019, Covid changed the whole world in 2020, and I got diagnosed with cancer in 2021.

These challenges were hard, and I had to push to move forward; I used a lot of the modalities and methods I learned from the Guide to grow, evolve and heal.

Now that I have recovered, I have decided to relaunch the Guide.

So the Guide “lives,” and it will evolve too, but my “Secret Intention” remains the same. See if you can find it in my purpose statement below that has been published in every issue of the Guide since we began…

“I believe all people are One! And that this great truth lies deep within each person’s heart! I dedicate the Body Mind Spirit Guide to the One Mother, the One Father, and their children (you & I)!

Though we speak many languages from differing nations, professions, religions, and realms, as we start to sing the language of LOVE, we begin to become aware that we are all singing the same song!

This publication seeks to create harmony to that One Song, the BEAUTIFUL Song of life!”

So, did you catch what my “Secret Intention” is?

Beauty, Oneness, Harmony? Yes, all of those for sure, but really it is LOVE because inside of love, we find beauty, oneness, harmony, and everything we need to feed our soul and live a life of joy.

So, to you many readers, “I love YOU!”

And I can say without a doubt that our advertisers and writers love you too!

We are dedicated to bringing you wit, wisdom, humor, love, joy, and resources that help you lessen struggle and heal your heart, body, and mind, which lift you up, inspire you and revitalize your soul.

Thank you for picking up, reading, and sharing the Guide; We are also grateful to YOU, and we hope you love the new issue!

In love, light, and service,

Penny Golden and your Body Mind Spirit Team


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