Ty Bollinger, Health freedom advocate comes to Michigan


Ty - Headshot 2014 -highrezTy Bollinger, Health freedom advocate and researcher, has been added to the 2015 Awake and Empowered Expo schedule. He will present “The Truth about Cancer – Prevent, Treat & Beat Cancer Naturally” on April 26th at The Met Hotel in Troy, Mich. starting at 3:15 pm. Tickets for his lecture and other ticket options are available at awakeandempoweredexpo.com

After losing several family members to cancer, Ty refused to accept that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery were the most effective treatments. After two decades of cancer research, his life mission became to share the most remarkable discovery he made on his quest: the vast majority of all diseases — including cancer — can be easily prevented and even cured without drugs or surgery. Ty will define what cancer really is, where it comes from and how it manifests in the body. He will share his personal experience and extensive research into non-invasive, natural, and extremely effective methods of treating and preventing this disease.

Other world-renowned experts will present the latest advances in holistic health, wellness, science and spirituality during the weekend-long Expo. Attendees will also enjoy a variety of interactive demonstrations and healing workshops, a Friday night concert, and an exhibitor showcase.


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