Unity of Livonia Community Food Drive


LIVONIA, MI – Unity of Livonia will hold their seventh annual Community Food Drive Wednesday, February 22 through Sunday, April 9, 2023, to help

St. Christine Christian Services put an end to hunger. Both monetary and non-perishable canned and dry goods items will be accepted at Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Rd., Livonia, MI 48154 (east of Middlebelt Road). 100% of the collections will be donated directly to St. Christine Food Pantry. This local non-profit organization works in conjunction with St. Vincent DePaul to serve and distribute over 22,000 hot meals and 6,000 bags of supplementary groceries throughout the year to one of Southeastern Michigan’s most vulnerable and homeless communities.

The food drive raises awareness of our local communities’ hunger and nutrition challenges. Monetary donations may be made by cash, check or charge. Please make checks payable to Unity of Livonia and specify “Food Drive” on the notation line. Food goods may be dropped off Monday through Wednesday (10 AM – 4 PM) or Sunday (9:30 AM – 12). For more information, email unityoflivoniaops@gmail.com



Nancy Bank

Director of Operations and Administration 

Unity of Livonia


(734) 421-1760 (Mon – Wed, 10am – 4pm)


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