Using the Ascension Attitudes after a gut punch: Surrender, Love, and Gratitude


Using the Ascension Attitudes after a gut punch: Surrender, Love, and Gratitude

By Rev. Kathleen A. Kosmal

    Whoever is punching punches themselves and does not know it, to hurt, they must be hurting, AND it’s not ok. Surrendering ends my behavior over theirs. Utilizing the 5th gift of creation (Gen. 1:20) (An abundance of all things necessary to sustain a successful and happy life) like the 5th chakra, I may freely soar. Using those guts, I digest and eliminate what does not serve me and accept the comfort of self-love and forgiveness. The healing beauty of surrendering offers peace, so I allow it in.

    If my belly aches, I am still. If my fists are clenched, my Guardian Angel will rub my tummy until I can. I allow and receive comfort, loving myself more. Forgiving myself for the “should a, could a, and would a” eliminates blame, shame, and guilt, intending blockage. Learning to love the self is ascending. It fills me with knowing I am loved. It strengthens my core. I am a unique and precious creation.

    Being grateful begins with appreciating the face in my mirror as NOT the face of my puncher. I smile. If I didn’t punch back then I smile bigger. Next, being aware enough of the punch eliminates it from being repeated! (Provided my lesson is learned) Acknowledging gratitude expands awareness and opens my consciousness to receive, allowing me to receive more. Receiving more provides for more gratitude.

    Was the punch a past life debt? Maybe it had nothing to do with me. Maybe it happened for me instead of to me. (UGH!) Now, I get to check MY seven (7) points toward purpose. The first four (4) are fixed; each provides breathe to my purpose. The last three (3) provide depth, discerning what was emphasized and/ or avoided in my family, what I enjoy and/ or am good at, and what irritates me. They are as follows:

1. Name

2. Date of birth

3. Time of birth

4. Location of birth

5. Family factors

6. Gifts and talents

7. Quirks

    Knowing who I am and what I am doing here grounds me. My attitude affects my present and future life experiences, and I remember that Spirit is the life; the mind is the builder, and the physical is the result. If only at this moment, I am at peace. My piece of peace now enhances world peace, and my tummy eases and strengthens. Strengthening my gut supports my spiritual spine and my ascension.

    In the solar plexus is the gift of revitalization, like creation’s 5th gift. Its natural properties include abundance and ease. Trust what your gut tells you. Trust that you deserve your birth rite (abundance and ease). I love you, love me more, and I hope you do the same. My attitudes toward ascension include surrender, love, and gratitude.

P.S. If punches persist, GET OUT! I could not learn while being pummeled. If I can do it, you can do it.” Easy does it. 

Rev. Kathleen A. Kosmal

Center of Enlightenment, 2724 Goodrich Street, Ferndale, MI 488220. 12-step slogan: #Easy does it.


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