The Importance of Your Angelic Teachers


The Importance of Your Angelic Teachers

By Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis

When we think of angels, we often think of archangels, such as Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Raphael, and Archangel Uriel. And while they hold a very important and special place in the spiritual hierarchy, the archangels are not the celestial beings that work with us most often. The Holy Ones whom you will work with most in your life — and are most essential to connect with on a day-to-day basis — are your angelic teachers.

Who Are the Angelic Teachers?

For all they do for us, it is ironic that there is not more known about these celestial beings. Teaching angels are just that — angels who teach us the ways of the divine life. They are magnificent to see. Their auras are highly developed and extend quite far. If you are fortunate enough to see one, there is no question that you are dealing with a sacred being.

It’s the job of your angelic teachers to help you grow. These teachers know your purpose in life and spiritual potential. They know your karmic debits and credits. They know your strengths and weaknesses. In many ways, they know you better than you know yourself!

Angelic teachers are assigned to you by the Divine to guide your evolution. On average, you will have two or three teachers assigned to you. Your teachers will also change depending on what is going on in your life. They have specialties, so you often attract a teacher according to the type of need and activities going on in your life.

The angelic teachers are just a small fraction of the spiritual hierarchy but are the fulcrum upon which rests the balance of the divine interaction, orchestrating this interaction and working intimately with the other aspects of the spiritual hierarchy. They work strongly with your guardian angels and the Divine Energy angels. Spirit guides work under the teachers, taking their direction from them. And, of course, the teachers take their direction from the Holy Ones more advanced than themselves.

Connecting With Your Teachers

To start connecting with your teachers is not difficult. To feel closer to the teachers, begin by simply acknowledging them. Express your love to them for all that they do for you. Do this during meditation and also throughout the day so you build an awareness of your teachers on a consistent basis, whether you are in meditation or not.

As you connect better with the teachers, you will feel and know their presence. Most of all, you will notice a positive change in your pattern of activity. As you go about your business, you will feel you are working in cooperation with the Higher and will have greater success in your pursuits. If you are steadfast in your spiritual growth, there will come that day where you behold the teachers more directly! 

The teachers want to connect with you. They want you to see them. They love you and are doing everything in their power to help you come up into your true spiritual self where you can commune with them. They are also your front line of support on a day-to-day basis. If there is something you are not sure about or something you feel uneasy about and need guidance, call on your angelic teachers for illumination. 

Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis are cofounders of the renowned Spiritual Arts Institute. With over 50 years of clairvoyant experience, they have taught thousands to better themselves by working with the aura and spiritual energy. Their award-winning books include the international bestseller Change Your Aura, Change Your LifeKarma and Reincarnation, The Healing Power of Your AuraCommuning with the Divine, and their newest book, Heaven and Your Spiritual Evolution: A Mystic’s Guide to the Afterlife and Reaching Your Highest Potential. © 2023 Barbara Y. Martin & Dimitri Moraitis

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