We are Divine Beings


by Miche Lame’, M.A.L.L.P

We are divine beings living in a temporary world. Another way to put this is that we are energetic spiritual beings inhabiting a holographic body in a holographic world to have experiences that will enable us to grow toward our greatness and our ascension toward being more like God.

Why do we seem so separated from our own divinity, separated from God, All That Is? We know there is a universal consciousness, a quantum field of energy and thought that connects us all. So how is it that we still feel separate from All? Why do we feel lonely when there is All around us to support us?

I think that when we incarnate in this holographic world, we develop an ego in childhood to keep us physically safe. That ego is great and creative and useful, and can unfortunately create separation and barriers to connection with others, our Self, and the All that is around us. It can keep us from hearing our Higher Self and our guides.

The ego’s main purpose is to keep us safe, and for many who have had trauma, it does so by giving us reasons to keep separate from others. The ego keeps us safe yet lonely, separating us from our true divine self and from seeing the divine in others. It helps create this using subconscious sabotaging patterns to destroy relationships, including the one we can have with God and our divine self.

This is why having a spiritual practice can help us connect with our divine self and realize that we are divine beings having a human experience. Having a spiritual practice and connecting with our divine self builds love and compassion. The ego often sees compassion as a weakness and an opportunity to be hurt. Yet, lack of compassion leads down a rabbit hole of self-bullying and judgment, not love. Pushing the self down a dark and scary path away from the Light even when the Light is wanted.

Make friends with your ego; you develop it to protect yourself physically. Please treat it with respect and use discernment. Watch what you feed it. When the ego is fed fear, it creates more, feeds it love, and it creates more of that. Focus on lack, and it creates more lack, affirming how unsafe you are and to depend on it, not the love of All, God, to keep you safe.

Your spirit is eternal; the body is not. The body is like a car that you, as a spirit, drive to exciting adventures. The ego can only receive the directions you give it. The vibration of what you feed it is what it will drive you to. Want more love? Feed it love and spiritual conversation, books, and videos. Want more fear? Feed it violence, angry outbursts, and other low vibrational input.

Remember, you are a divine being, and it is within your control to drive your physical body to the experiences that match the vibration of your ego and spirit. Let your beautiful spirit be in control.

Love and Light,

Miche Lame’, M.A.L.L.P


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