Yield Not Unto Temptation


By Alethea M Howard

To yield is to stop, pause, and think about the next step or action you are about to take. Consider whether you want to do good or something not so good; for instance, are you hurting others? When we hurt others, we also hurt ourselves. We are all connected to that same one Soul.

“Yield not into temptation” requires having the inner strength to control our actions and having a strong character and integrity-even when no one is watching! This can be the greatest self-control one can ever imagine. It gives a feeling of goodness, peacefulness, and self-worth.

Working with character is an unending process, yet good character can bring joy to our spirits and lives. We can test our morals and spiritual nature; remembering temptation is the battleground of character.

We choose who we will serve, who we want to be, good or evil, negative or positive, or darkness or light. What are we choosing? Sometimes we make excuses to justify our behavior; this is the moral and spiritual test we all struggle with. We are sometimes choosing to settle for less than our better Self.

When others want you to do something tempting, yet not quite of the rightousness you feel in your heart-yield not unto temptation. Stay on your true path.

For the younger generations, with all the peer pressure, have a strong will as best you can. Have faith in what is right and in truth in yourself. Trust what feels right in your Soul, and yield not to the program of others without thinking on your own! We all have the mind of Spirit within us to follow the journey that has been prepared for us.

Some of us will do anything because of greed, money, and desire to control or to have power over others. We could spend our precious time controlling ourselves and our own lives, becoming better people for the betterment of all. A great many things in life could be tempting; we must develop the willpower to resist hurting ourselves and others.

Yield at the stop sign: Choose the way of righteousness. I have a saying for myself, “I am not trying to be right; I am trying to live of righteousness.” Deep down in our inner core, we all know what is good and right.

Trust in the Spirit within. It wants us to trust and believe in the Spirit so that we can see its miracles at work on our path to wholeness.


As we go about our journey,

Let us keep our heads to the sky,

Though the peaks and valleys are many,

Our Spirit will always fly.

Until we come face-to-face

With the Spirit within!

STOP! In the name of Love. Honor peace, goodness, self-worth, and Love. YIELD NOT UNTO TEMPTATION!


Life is so short and such a long struggle.

We need one another

To get through life’s troubles.

Let our hearts struggle together, not apart.

Let us see together, not afar…

Let us belong together, not alone.

Let us love one another; let us come together,

And not be lost.


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