By Eve Wilson
Within you shines the morning sun
The evening star, the rivers run
The bird song and the wondrous flight
All come to rest at sacred night
This is the chorus to a song I wrote in my 20s, shortly after my father’s death. His passing opened me up and grounded me deeper at the same time. I knew he was alive; I could feel it deep within me. The lightness of his spirit and joy in his new life were obvious.
The inner awareness of life and others is significant for us during this time of change and ascension on Earth. As the chorus says, reality is within our own selves. As the vibrations of our world rise out of the darkness of separation and into unity, it is important to recognize the role our inner reality has in birthing the new world.
It’s a leap of faith to enter our new world potentials, but as the world around us seems to be dying, that leap becomes a necessity. Who we are is one with all life. Each of us is a unique part of the creator and a part of the creation. Humans hold within us the essence of all life forms.
This is important as we are ascending to be co-creators of life, each working from our own wholeness, higher wisdom, and unconditional love. As co-creators in the new world, we will birth life from within through our oneness.
Here is a joyful meditation you can do to help know yourself and your relationship to all life. It will help grow your co-creative potential and strengthen your new world experience.
Go outside and find a beautiful spring flower and meditate on it
Open your senses to its colors, textures, shape, and all its parts from the roots on up. Without touching it, feel it and each of its parts and elements.
Note its expression – what is it saying with its body as it holds the Earth and reaches toward the sun?
If you were doing that yourself, what would it express? Feel that.
Close your eyes and let yourself feel the flower echoing within your own self, resonating and tuning you to the flower within your own self. Not the one you have been looking at, but your own flower self is what will awaken within. The lightness, the aliveness, the beauty, the wholeness.
Humans hold the essence of all life forms within our own soul potential. Let the flower awaken the flower within you.
Open your eyes and share the experience of “flowerness” with your new flower friend.
You can similarly meditate on any of nature’s forms, whether plants, birds, animals, soil, air, clouds, rain, sunshine… As you do, these imprint within you their essence and awaken that within your own true self. So, you are not taking life from the flower but co-creating life within yourself as a gift to yourself and the world. In the new world, co-creation will begin like this.
If you are like me, you will find such a joyfulness in this meditation. It is time to stop focusing on the old-world problems and begin building the joy of unity and wholeness within. Then as the vibrations of our world ascend, we will ascend with them into a wonderful experience.
This article began with the song I wrote after Dad passed. He didn’t die, he just left behind his old worn-out form. The world is shedding its old forms, but it isn’t dying.
It is being reborn. We can be here to share in that rebirth and help co-create new life.
Everything true that ever lived on Earth will be in the new world, but in new ways. We won’t need to compete; we will co-create life, abundance, joy, and peace. It is all within you, waiting to be realized at the perfect time!
Eve Wilson
Learn more about ascension and the new world at There, you will find Eve Wilson’s International award-winning blog and Healing and Ascension Monthlies Classes, Healing Treatments, and so much more. A Best-Selling Author, Eve teaches people to merge with their Higher Self to co-create the new world, heal, and ascend and help the world to do so too.