

Wow! What a crazy three months this has been. I went on vacation at the end of February to California and had a wonderful time with family and traveled the coast. I came back home to do the Women’s Expo in Grand Rapids on March 6th, and the world fell apart. Everything closed. Everything was shut down. Everyone knew a pandemic was coming, but nobody thought it was this intense. I have so missed our clients and the people that work for Michigan Psychic Fair. I had so many things planned for the last two to three months that I have been canceled, and I know I wasn’t the only one who had severe anxiety.

My heart goes out to all the families that were so upside down on everything or was directly affected by the Coronavirus. Nobody knows the hardship that everybody else has felt. We need to be strong, and we will get through this. It is just so many things at once, and social media has not been our best friend. You know me, I am always trying to look for the positive side of everything because I believe in the world and people while I still believe in love and happiness.

Michigan Psychic Fair will still be here to answer your questions In romance, love, work, career, finances, and mediumship to get answers from your loved ones on the other side. Come join us …

Love & Light Pauline


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