By Barbra White
The Flow of abundance is not personal and does not require you to ‘work hard, ‘fix,’ ‘heal,’ or change anything; it only requires your complete and total availability. Life Itself seeks to become more Life and experience Itself as You
. The center of Life/God/Nature is everywhere and not in one place.
You do NOT have to earn this Flow. Anything you think you have to earn to manifest was created from a false sense of separation, and ultimately, you will not be able to truly enjoy. You will be afraid of losing It because you are not an energetic match. Affirmatively appreciating that which is already YOU, already HERE, and is waiting to be given permission; YOU NOW have access to the abundant flow of Creation waiting to make itself known through you.
So why do we block abundance?
We block the flow of abundance by locking parts of our unprocessed emotions in our body’s tissues and holding grudges. Emotions are energy. Emotions are NOT negative energy; these quantum pockets of energy (aka stored trauma) are unassessed power. You do have the choice to use the trauma, or it uses you.
If you think someone owes you, you send a message to your energy system: “I am missing something.” This feeling tone then creates scarcity in your life.
A tree can’t become more of a tree. Likewise, you can’t become more of what you have already been made to be: Love, Power, Creativity, Soul Strengths, and Beauty.
Talk therapy’s mechanistic, linear approach convinces people if they just “get to the bottom” of the problem enough, they will be free. This is not true. Keep asking, “What’s in the way?” or “What’s wrong with me?” and your mind will invite answers.
Try to get “there”; you will never get “there,” but realize you are already there–and infinite peace is yours. Attempt to heal, fix, or improve oneself to get ‘there’; you will unconsciously validate the illusion of brokenness. A person will believe they are “getting somewhere” in their healing or self-improvement, yet underneath; they feel broken (shame) and/or not quite “there.” I have seen well-intending, deep spiritual seekers stuck in this hell for decades, painfully feeling like imposters in their own lives.
We can’t flip a switch and make inky darkness go into the room. Likewise, our fragmented false Self parts (aka Shadow Self) are not Real unto themselves.
The parts you still try to fix, repress or heal, are not real, yet the source of all your suffering. Learning to ‘be-with’ or ‘Presence’ these parts and your fundamental wholeness takes hold in your consciousness.
Let not get–reveal, not heal, are principles that are fundamental to truly feeling free. Talk therapy helps you to know your stories, and life coaching helps you to focus on the masculine mindsets (yang). These tools are important steps; however, stop only at the (yang), and you will continually think it is about ‘working harder’ or ‘healing more’ to feel peaceful. The divine feminine (yin and intrinsic nature connections) have been repressed for over 10,0000 years and are now rising. Self Acceptance Process or DFS healers are the answer to that dire need on the planet.
A statement I have carried since childhood, that has shaped my very being is from Mother Teresa: “If I think I am doing something….that is when I know I am in trouble.”
Why do people have radical changes when healing is ‘done’ from a place of non-doing?
Here are four possible reasons.
1. Fundamentally SAP practitioner or DFS healer does not try to heal you.
2. Your body’s wisdom leads the way.
3. Spirit and Matter are One.
4. FULL Glory to the God In You.
- You are already whole. The Self Acceptance Process practitioner has full awareness of the parts that need healing, yet no energetic engagement with those parts. In the non-doing, everything is done because YOU are already HERE. Any sense of self you try to “get” from the world is false and temporary.
- Your body is the grounding of the “house” that is you. Spiritually transcended teachings (yang) will have you believe you must “escape” your body to be free. What most do not understand is the body is not separate from your True Self. Spirit and Matter are One. Every health issue is an opportunity to clear the illusions of separation from God. Your body is a great messenger.
Everything you have ever experienced is held in your body. (Current life and past) Trauma is pain stored in the body.
Humans are traumatized OUT of their connection to their body, nature, and Earth. Without the teachings of HOW to access the four elements (nature) and honor the body’s innate wisdom…heaven remains a “far-off place.”
- The perceived separation of Spirit and Matter is the fall of the feminine aspect of God. The Mother Mary, Sophia Christ, or Divine Feminine Shaman within us all is rising to be reclaimed in the collective consciousness.
The body can be an incredible tool for unwinding generational and lifetime of suffering. Yet most have been taught to either idolize the body or deny it. Paraphrasing a Zen statement, “A great leader is led.” Trusting fully that spirit and matter are one, a shaman of the divine feminine hears and honors the body’s soft, ordinary, earthly needs. Inner peace becomes a state of Being rather than just peak moments of connection. Embodiment is the final frontier of spiritual growth.
Embodiment is feminine spirituality.
Feminine is NOT gender; it means the soft, yin, sensual, non-doing fabric of our True Self.
- A good “healer” knows they do not do the healing; rather, they are simply a tuning fork of Love and the “training wheels” of learning to “be with.” Glory to the God IN YOU. Everyone is a direct channel of God. Everyone has an inner genius waiting to express in their own unique way. God is everywhere but not in one place. Meaning, the Divine, Fairies, Earth, God, Christ, Goddess, Buddha… is not just in all things, but AS ALL things. Omni-presence, or God in and as YOU, is a real living Reality, not just a placating platitude.
There is a divine order, benevolence, harmonizing principle, or Grace that, if given even the slightest permission, can create miracles in anyone’s life. Miracles are a demonstration of What Already Is. We don’t do anything. The Real You, The You that is never born and will never die, awaits this inner availability.
Jan 3rd: FREE online Soul Awakening Sessions 7-830. Jan 13th Earth Church 12-330 at Mother Bear Sanctuary.
Jan 22-March 7th: FREE Divine Feminine Shamans online. Learn to Shaman the Feminine within. Wednesday 7-830. Feb, 7mo, Self-Acceptance Process online certification training.
March 13th: Divine Feminine Shaman’s in-person apprenticeship begins. Reach out to me to connect. I would love to support you. Text: 734-796-6690 for free 20-minute session.,