Adding More Green to Your Life: The 6-Week Green Smoothie Challenge


Are you looking to take the next steps toward a healthier, happier you? Back by popular demand, VeggiePatti is once again offering her 6-Week Green Smoothie Challenge. The 6 week challenge runs from Wed, Sept 19 to Wed, Oct 24. The class will meet each Wednesday from 6:30 – 8 pm for support and new material at Total Health Foods in Wyandotte.


The free introductory preview is Wed, Sept 12 at 6:30 pm. In this introduction, you will learn about the full 6-week program and get to taste samples of green smoothies. Class topics include: Green Smoothie Basics; Bye, Bye American Pie: Say Goodbye to Processed Foods; Let Me Hear You Rawr! Adding More Raw Foods to Your Diet; Rethinking the Salad & Revving It Up; Creating Healthy Habits; and Yes I Can! Setting Yourself Up for Success


Each participant will receive a copy of Simple Joy in Simple Foods, VeggiePatti’s cookbook. Two optional potlucks will also be offered during the 6 weeks.


A minimum number of participants are required to run the program. Sign up deadline is at the introductory class. Cost for the entire program is $90 for six weeks. Drop-in classes will be available, space provided, at $20 per class.


Please visit for full details. Disclaimer: The material presented in these classes is not intended as medical advice.


Location: Total Health Foods, 2938 Biddle Ave, Wyandotte. For more information, visit or email


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