Are You a Positive Thinker?


by Phil Rosenbaum

    Are your thoughts mostly positive, or do you tend to have a lot of negative thoughts throughout the day? It is well known that filling your mind with positive thoughts can make a huge difference in the quality of your life.

    Mike Dooley, best-selling author and motivational speaker, who appeared in the movie “The Secret,” gave a talk in which he related that at one time, his life was a “train wreck.” Nothing was going well. He kept telling himself how awful everything was. Then he decided to stop ruminating on all the negative things going on in his life and start telling himself very positive messages. He focused on what he wanted in his life and visualized having these things. He emphasized that no one is a victim. In addition, he started to take steps to bring about his desired results. Sometimes, it would require choosing the least unpleasant options, but, as he stated, you have to start somewhere.

    Mr. Dooley gave an example of how powerful your thoughts are. Whenever he was experiencing a lull in a conversation during a date, he would say, “I’m so tired.” After a while, one lady asked him why he was always so tired. He said he didn’t know, but he was definitely tired. He started to realize that by continually telling himself he was so tired, he actually brought this about. He then stopped telling himself that and soon found that he was no longer tired. This demonstrates the power of our thoughts.

    Jack Canfield, psychologist, motivational speaker, and author of many books, including the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, also emphasized the importance of positive thinking. In his book The Success Principles, Dr. Canfield, speaks about his earliest mentor, W. Clement Stone who was an extremely successful businessman and self-help book author. Dr. Canfield states that Mr. Stone was often described as an “Inverse Paranoid.” He would see every situation in the most positive way. One of his sales employees once complained about having to sell shoes in an Amish community. The salesman reported that the Amish don’t wear shoes. Mr. Stone’s reaction was that this was wonderful news. Look at the huge mark that would be available.

    Like Mike Dooley, Jack Canfield tells people to act as if they already have what they want. In addition to visualizing what you want and using affirmations, they suggest journaling and even using “vision boards” to help motivate and inspire you.

    In a booklet entitled Applying the Power of Positive Thinking by Brother Bhaktananda, a disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, the author points out that whatever we think about tends to manifest. If we think in a negative way, we will eventually create disease, poverty, unhappiness, and all sorts of difficulties. However, if we think positive thoughts, we will become healthy, successful, and happy. All of these authors and many more emphasize the importance of keeping your thoughts positive. If you focus on doom and gloom, that is what you will wind up with, whereas if you focus on positive things and where you want to be, that is what you will eventually get. This is how powerful positive thinking is.

    If you are having difficulty focusing on the positive, hypnotherapy is an excellent method to help you make the switch from negative to positive thoughts. Hypnosis is safe, and it works. Just a few sessions can significantly improve the quality of your life.

    If you want to learn more about hypnosis or experience a session, please call Phil Rosenbaum at 248-688-6469. Turning your thinking from negative to positive could be one of the best things you can do for yourself.


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