Being Pulled by a Vision Versus Pushed by Pain


By Barbara WhiteCrow

Rafae, our big, gentle dog, became deathly afraid of the barn and large animals after two unfortunate incidents. First, he twisted his knee when Dolly Lolly the cow leaped playfully, and in a second incident, he found himself chased by the horses and cows when he got cornered in the paddock. Before these accidents, Rafae loved resting in the stalls and wandering around the herd while we conducted healing sessions.

For months, we tried to restore Rafae’s confidence around the animals. Typically a quick learner, he struggled to release the trauma, despite our positive reinforcement, treats, and encouragement. On one occasion, while I was outside the barn with the horses for an equine therapy session, Rafae bolted to the far side of the property, trembling, and hid on the porch like a frightened puppy.

Before each healing session, I meditate to tune in to the angels’ guidance for a person, sensing their soul’s purpose and a vision of their inner light. Over the past two decades, my students have often felt the impact of this vision shift even before our sessions began. Preparing for a session one day, it dawned on me—I had never sent Rafae such a vision. I tuned into my body, feeling the essence of the vision I wished to transmit to Rafae: confidence, a playful spirit around the animals, and strength in his back. As I visualized, I felt his fear and insecurity dissolve, replaced by a sense of ease and courage. After a few minutes, I moved on to my day with the animals and clients.

A few days later, as I was about to begin a deep healing session with a guest named Carrie, Rafae surprised us. He walked up beside us, calm and assured! I shared the story with Carrie, and witnessing the power of an embodied vision firsthand, she boldly declared her dreams, claiming her right to thrive for the first time. Often, unhealed trauma keeps people unknowingly focused on worst-case scenarios, undermining their belief in a brighter future.

We are either pulled by a vision or pushed by pain. Learning to feel the qualities of our desired state and aligning with them is essential to manifest health, fulfilling relationships, purposeful work, and financial abundance.

Clear the Path to Vision
Allow yourself to feel any grief, anger, or pain you carry. Expand your presence to deepen your capacity to heal—feeling without blame clears the way. Find support through nature, a friend, a mentor, or meditation practice. Consider working with a body-based, trauma-informed healer if childhood or generational trauma is blocking you from recognizing your soul’s purpose.

Once you acknowledge your dreams, envision someone who has achieved a similar goal—a person with the health, wealth, relationships, or purpose you desire. Imagine being them, feeling into their energy. Notice the qualities you feel in this embodiment. If you aspire to social change, for example, picturing Gandhi might evoke peace, perseverance, and commitment to the community. Focusing on someone who embodies health might bring feelings of vitality, conviction, or self-discipline. Practice this twice daily for two minutes.

After you embody these qualities, you’ll find your actions, words, and presence naturally begin to shift. Opportunities and solutions will arise organically, almost miraculously, and your energy will align with what you desire. Changing your inner perspective allows you to see possibilities rather than barriers.

Imagine living each day guided by vision rather than reacting to circumstances and others’ opinions. Imagine a world where we all hold a vision of people caring for each other, the Earth, and its creatures. I hope you choose to envision this world, too.

Reach out if you’d like to join one of our programs, work with me as your mentor, or invite me to teach at your organization.

Upcoming Opportunities

Starting November 6th and running through January, join us online on Wednesdays from 6–8:30 pm for “Celebrate Your Life.” These sessions include self-acceptance, trauma healing, chi coding, and embodiment practices. Enroll before November 13th for a reduced price of $19 for ten transformative workshops. I would be honored to hold this vision for you until you can hold it yourself. Visit to sign up.

On November 16th, join our in-person Sacred Rage Day Retreat from 11 am to 5 pm. Sacred rage is a powerful force that can clear fear, release trauma, and create space to envision a fulfilling life. Generational trauma (from colonization, disconnection from nature, family wounds) often requires the support of nature and community to transform rage into growth. For details, visit or find Barbara WhiteCrow on Facebook.

For questions about events or to schedule a personal healing session, text 734-796-6690 to arrange a discovery call.


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