By Sheila Forester
Destruction is ongoing around the world: war in the Middle East, Ukraine, and elsewhere, global food shortages, the climate emergency, a crippling economy, political corruption, and senseless gun violence. The rates of depression, suicide, and addiction are at all-time highs. The suffering of humanity is profound and it would be easy to descend into despair. And yet, instead of giving up, many of us respond with increased acts of service. We are praying more intensely than ever before, meditating, volunteering our time, demonstrating for, and giving to causes. These acts of love and compassion help to alleviate the misery of others and, at the same time, can counter our own feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.
People may not realize that every cry for help, prayer, and service is heard and registered by the Spiritual Custodians here on Earth – the Masters of Wisdom. These great ones have long watched lovingly over humanity, working ceaselessly from behind the scenes through their disciples and initiates in the world on behalf of our spiritual evolution. At their head is Maitreya, the World Teacher for this Aquarian Age. Throughout history, during times of serious world crises, such as the beginning of a new age, teachers have been sent into the world to show humanity a new vision of life. Some of them are embedded in myth (Mythra, Hercules), some founded great philosophies (Confucius, Plato, Aristotle), and some have inspired their disciples to found the great religions of the world (Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, and Mohammed). What is unique during this world crisis is that Maitreya and some of the Masters have returned physically to live among us for the duration of this 2500-year Age Of Aquarius. Therefore, we have enormously potent help at our command.
Many ask when we will see these Masters. The answer is that because they may not infringe on our free will – our freedom to learn from our mistakes – they must wait on our demonstrated willingness to accept their recommendations: sharing the world’s resources, cooperation among men and nations, and living in right human relations across the globe. When enough of us, from our own free will, respond favorably and demand a full explanation of what they are suggesting, then and only then may they step forward into full public view to work openly among us. Maitreya will speak to the hearts of all of humanity. He will address our hopes and fears and will teach us how to live together in peace. However, all necessary changes will be decided and will be effected by men and women around the world. Maitreya has said: “Allow me to show you the way forward, into a simpler life where no man lacks; where no two days are alike; where the joy of Brotherhood manifests through all.”
Maitreya has also said: “Take your brother’s need as the measure for your action and solve the world’s problems. There is no other course.” It is time to reach into your heart and allow it to lead you into service to others. Act in the face of despair, knowing that every demonstration of kindness, large or small, not only helps our suffering world but also signals to Maitreya and the Masters that we are, at long last, ready to work alongside them to rebuild our world.
Sheila Forester
Sheila Forester is a dedicated volunteer with Share International, known for her insightful talks and articles on Maitreya the World Teacher and the Masters of Wisdom. With a deep sense of optimism, she believes in a new era of global cooperation, personal growth, and peace through sharing. Email: Website: