Have You Been Programmed to Succeed?
By Phil Rosenbalm
Did you know that all of us have been programmed in the first six or seven years of our lives? Our lives represent what kind of programming we receive. You undoubtedly received positive programming if you are very happy with your life. However, if your life is not going the way you want it to go, then your programming was quite likely somewhat negative.
During the first seven years of our lives, our brains are in a state of hypnosis. We accept everything we are told, whether it is true or not. Some of the programming is positive and necessary. We learn to brush our teeth, proper manners, how to ride a bike, etc. We develop good habits. Unfortunately, much of the programming may be harmful and cause problems later in life.
Experts believe that nearly 60% of the programming people receive is limiting and self-sabotaging. In other words, only 40% of the programming is positive. This programming leads to the habits we acquire and enters our subconscious mind. It also leads to a lot of negative and self-defeating thinking.
There is another part of the equation that most people do not realize. When we are being creative or living in the present moment, we are in our conscious mind. However, when performing daily actions, we actually let the subconscious mind run things. For example, if you are driving in your car and talking to a passenger, your subconscious mind is actually doing the driving. The problem is that 90% of the time, our subconscious is running our life. If, indeed, 90% of the time, the subconscious is in charge, it may be that 60% of that time is negative or hurtful to ourselves. It is no wonder that so many people are not living the life of their dreams.
Because the subconscious is “below consciousness,” we are not aware of what we are actually telling ourselves. Messages such as “You’re not very smart,” or “You’ll never amount to anything,” or “You’re not good enough or not adequate in certain areas,” or even “you are not loveable,” are often given to children. The children believe these messages because they are too young to question them, and the messages go right into the subconscious mind, where they will later dictate the kind of life they will have. What type of partner would you attract if you believed you were not loveable? Or how would you do in school if you believed you were not smart enough? Obviously, not very well. These programs or beliefs are not true, but because the subconscious has accepted them, we act as if they were true. Because they are subconscious and we are not aware of them, they become very difficult to change.
The question then becomes, what can be done, if anything, to deal with all of this negative programming in our subconscious mind? The fact is there are things we can do to change the negative programming. One method is to create new habits. We need to practice new behaviors until they become habitual continually. There is another way to eradicate these negative messages.
Since we were in a state of hypnosis when we received this negative programming, it makes a great deal of sense to go into a state of hypnosis to replace the negative programming with positive programming. Hypnosis is an excellent way to achieve this. If you eliminate this negativity, you will be amazed at how much better your life will be.
If you would like to learn more about hypnosis or experience a session, please call Phillip Rosenbaum at 248-688-6469. Don’t let negative programming run and ruin your life.
Phil Rosenbalm