by Rev. Ric Beattie
Myrtle Fillmore, co-founder of Unity with her husband, Charles Fillmore, had been sick with Tuberculosis all of her life. Doctors had been little help. The couple lived in Kansas City, raising their three sons, and Myrtle’s health was failing.
Curiosity and a touch of desperation led the Fillmores to a lecture by New Thought proponent E. B. Weeks. The ideas he shared resonated deeply within her. Weeks’ message centered around the power of positive thinking and the inherent divinity within each person. Myrtle returned home forever changed. With newfound conviction, she declared, “I am a child of God. Therefore, I cannot inherit the disease,” a powerful statement that marked a turning point in her life and the beginning of her journey with the transformative philosophy of New Thought.
Unity’s focus on healing isn’t self-centered. When we heal ourselves, we contribute to healing in the world around us. “To set the mind on health, success, and the things we would enjoy is to start currents flowing from the superconscious that will bring to pass the conditions we desire,” Myrtle Fillmore reminds us. Our positive thoughts and intentions radiate outward, touching the lives of others.
You are creating your life, one choice at a time. Create a roadmap for yourself that includes physical activity, spiritual practices such as meditation or chanting, mental stimulation, and time to rest. Mix it up, try new things, and seek professional assistance as needed. You are not alone.
“Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind, and spirit – the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe affects our state of well-being.”
– Greg Anderson
Be Well and Be Whole
Rev. Ric Beattie, Sr. Minister, Unity of Royal Oak