How to Use Feng Shui to Ensure a Red-Hot Valentine’s Day!


How to Use Feng Shui to Ensure a Red-Hot Valentine’s Day!

By Marie Diamond-Your Feng Shui Master

Whether you’re newly paired up or keeping the fires of a long-term relationship burning strong, Valentine’s Day is the perfect chance to show your other half how much they mean to you. It doesn’t have to be all diamonds and grand gestures, though; the small changes you make to your home environment are the most effective ways to take your relationship to the next level. To ensure a Valentine’s Day you won’t forget in a hurry, here are some Feng Shui hacks to attract a red-hot romance! 

1/ Say It with Flowers

Is it really Valentine’s Day without roses? There’s something so romantic about being greeted with a big bouquet of fresh flowers. What’s more, according to Feng Shui, flowers can help boost the energy flow of a room with their fresh life force. Depending on the color of the petals, flowers can also be a powerful manifestation tool, as they help attract different things to your relationship:

  • Red roses help to attract passion.
  • Light pink roses help to attract tenderness.
  • Hot pink roses help to attract commitment.
  • Orange roses help to attract joy.
  • Yellow roses help to attract inspiration and a heightened spiritual connection.

As a Feng Shui rule of thumb, avoid having any flowers in your bedroom. Flowers come with a lot of life force. Having that energy in the bedroom can lead to insomnia or a restless night’s sleep. Instead, display them in a beautiful vase in your Relationship Direction in your living room. 

It’s also important to discard your flowers when they start to wilt. Due to their diminishing life force, dead flowers can cause the surrounding energy flow in the room to stagnate. Similarly, avoid having dried flowers or bouquets in your bedroom or any of your Relationship Directions in your home. Symbolically, dried flowers represent death and decay – not exactly the things that great love stories are made of!

If you want to have a more permanent flower option, give silk flowers a try instead. 

2/ Refresh Your Relationship Direction

We all have a Personal Direction in our home that corresponds to the major aspects of our lives: health, success, wisdom, and relationships. You’ll first need to find your Personal Energy Number to find your Relationship Direction. This is a number from one to nine that is based on your date of birth and the gender you were assigned at birth. To find it, head to or scan the QR code below to download the free Marie Diamond app:

 Once you have your Relationship Direction, take the opportunity to update the items and images you have on display in your Relationship Direction in your bedroom. Replace any old photos of the two of you with a new, recently taken one to ensure that your relationship doesn’t get stuck in the past. If you want to add an extra jolt of passion, display this photo in a cherry-red frame. Display any newly written love letters or cards (don’t forget your new Valentine’s card!) and store away any that are more than six months old. 

It’s also a good time to see whether the images or artwork you have displayed still reflect your relationship goals. Are you still looking for more passion, or do you have your sights set on a more open channel of communication now? Has your dream of a romantic tropical cruise changed to a landlocked spa weekend for two? Make sure the images you have on display reflect this! Priorities and desires can change over time, so it’s always good to check in and make sure your environment is still in alignment with your goals. 

Three/ From Bedroom to Boudoir

It goes without saying that in regard to relationships, the bedroom is the most significant room in the home. Think about little things you can do to transform it into your own temple of romance. Wash your bedsheets with sweet, rose-scented fabric softener and adorn your bed with red or pink pillows. Pick lampshades that will soften and diffuse the light in the room, and turn up the heat with some scented candles. Pick rose, jasmine, lavender, or patchouli scents to attract love and passion. 

Hang up some images or artwork featuring love-hearts, lovebirds, or romantic couples near your bedroom door to set the tone for the energy flow. Set out rose quartz crystals in your Relationship Direction, taking time to cleanse them beforehand so they’re at their most effective. 

Lastly, take a look at what image you have displayed above the headboard of your bed – does it reflect what you’re most looking to attract in your relationship? Anything that represents death, violence, sadness, aggression, or even anything too sweet or “saintly” can have an adverse effect on how you and your partner manifest passion. Instead, replace it with something that better resonates with you, your partner, and your goals for romance. 

Pick up your copy of my new global best-selling book, “Feng Shui Your Life.”

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