by Ed Trainor
If you made New Year’s Resolutions and are like most people, they were probably forgotten by the end of January. A less stressful way to put what you want for yourself out into the universe is to make wishes at the time of the monthly new moon. The new moon in April is April 8 at 2:22 PM, and in May, it is May 7 at 11:23 PM.
Some guidelines:
(1) Write in cursive with pen and paper.
(2) The best time to write is within 8 hours of the new moon but later is okay.
(3) Write up to 10 wishes.
(4) Write as if they have already happened.
(5) Write using your first name.
(6) Write only what you want for yourself, not for others or to control others.
Some examples:
Ed is thankful for his continuing vibrant good health.
Ed is thankful for the good luck that happens in every area of his life.
Ed is thankful he finds it easy to make healthy food choices.
Ed is thankful for the opportunity to travel to Machupicchu, Peru.
Remember that the universe may give you what you need rather than what you want.
Happy wishing, Ed Trainor
Ed is an avid reader of the Guide; you can reach him at