By Marybeth Rombach Nelson
Today, I will share a little about my latest book, Intuitive Heart. In it, I teach you to connect to the intuitive feelings in your heart that guide your life by truly connecting to your heart and soul to be guided on your soul’s path and soul’s goals in this lifetime. Also, I talk about esoteric teachings throughout time and cultures to our present time, knowing and feeling what is right for you and your life right now.
In my first chapter, I talk about my mom’s inklings and how accurate she was with her predictions of what would happen the next day or even next month. I know I inherited my inklings from her. My own inklings started for me when I was 14 years old, and my dad appeared to me at my bed to tuck me in; he had passed the week before. It really freaked me out, until my mom shared all of her intuitive abilities and that passed over family visited her regularly.
Both of my parents had supernatural powers, inklings, automatic writing, spirits appearing, intuition, and vivid dreams. My aunt Margaret also had so many experiences with automatic writing, also called psychography. This is when a crossed-over spirit writes through the person. I know you reading this have the ability to connect to your intuition through your heart and your third eye. Becoming self–aware and connected to your heart and soul through meditation, surrendering to being open to allow messages to flow through you for your highest good. Quieting your mind and becoming aware of knowing thoughts that come to you. Journaling messages that you receive and dating the message and watch for it to happen in your life. It is an amazing journey once you tap into your Intuitive Heart and connect to the Universal Heart of knowingness and unconditional love.
Intuitive Heart covers vast topics from sacred geometry, the mastery schools, Myan mysticism, quantum physics, time travel, esoteric teachings, Shamanism, and how to open your heart to increase the flow of intuition in your life. Available on Amazon/Books/MarybethRombachNelson
This spring, do a self–awareness practice daily, notice your feelings and how your body feels, be open, and allow for knowingness to grow your soul and produce an expansion of your intuitive heart in your life.
Marybeth Rombach Nelson, Published Author, Gifted Intuitive, Reiki Master, & Spiritual Teacher, listen on Apple podcast, The Healing Soul LLC Podcast.