New Thoughts for New Beginnings


By Linda La Croix

   It’s a New Year, welcome 2024. This year, let’s truly release, let go, and leave only good memories. Let go of hurt or things that didn’t work out. Forget past dramas and begin to create new beginnings, looking forward to good things coming into our lives.

  Years ago, after leaving my chiropractor’s office, I thought about how my sessions there allowed me to easily tap into my innate energy. That energy is my higher self and my personal light. Drawing from these leaves one feeling balanced, freer, and more peaceful. In that state, you are drawn to know and better understand God’s energy active within your being. 

  Jesus empowered all of us to know that “The Father” (God) lives within us. In the book of John, we learn we cannot see God; we have to know he lives and dwells in us. We cannot receive this from anything outside of us. We must know and accept this energy as active within us. 

  God’s energy is like our own personal light, which, when we are “likeminded,” connects us with the Source of all there is. We increase our light by letting go of the physical world and thinking about spiritual living. The increased light facilitates many pathways within which our thoughts create awareness, positive energy, healing, and greater living. Life is not about the world outside but how we handle the outside world from within. 

  Here’s a thought: God does not create hardships or illness but creates the space to find healing and peace within. By putting new thoughts into our minds, we create an opening for new beginnings. Prayer and meditation are a direct link to God, our Source of energy. Entering into this energy space and connecting with the God energy that created all that is, both visible and invisible, you will totally know the body, mind, and spirit connection exists, and you tapped into it. 

  Another thought: During a class on energy healing, the teacher taught us about the connection between the body and mind. A medical doctor who was present said he was taught in medical school that the body does the healing; the doctor decides which medicines to prescribe to help the body until it begins the healing process. 

  Unity co-founders Charles and Myrtle Fillmore had a similar thought. Make the body aware of God within. By acknowledging and affirming God’s internal presence, the healing process begins. 

  What a wonderful world we live in. We have the opportunity to seek out modern medicine and use both Eastern and Western healing practices. Sometimes, people have found the best doctor for their case after prayer or meditation. Others find it by just talking to a person in a store. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

  Today, many hospitals have new thoughts and now offer healing touch, massage, and Reiki. Most likely, that began as a new thought to see how energy benefits the healing process. Which would be because it’s God’s energy at work. Those who work with energy notice right away that the presence of God is flowing in the receiver’s body. 

  Hopefully, it is not a new thought for you but a validating reminder that you have a light, a God light. You can’t mistake it, and it’s wise to continue connecting with that energy as life always becomes more beautiful. As you continue connecting, you will also find your light increases more when you respect the light of others. 

  This year, let your new beginnings be a time for you to become more aware of your own personal light. Let the new thoughts given here expand and prepare you to do good things for yourself and others. Step away from your past with no need to fear that you are not enough, made too many mistakes, or haven’t lived the perfect life. 

  All energy is the energy of the One presence and One power of God that is active in this Universe. It’s all good and all God!

  Acts: 4:30 ( reads that Jesus touched people, and they were healed. “by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.” This verse tells us that we can awaken ourselves to the healing process within, and Jesus, our way shower, let us know this. It does help to have someone else work with us, even if they only listen to our story. (Remember, “wherever two or more are gathered.”)

  When I think of a new year, I think of a new me too! That begins in my conscious mind by thinking new thoughts. By being open to new beginnings and thinking, what can be better than this? 

  Whatever is happening in your life, know that you, too, can choose what you will keep and what you will get rid of. Thinking like this is how you can create more within the body, mind, and spirit connection. Know that God is infinite goodness working in and through you!  

  In both Western and Eastern philosophies for wholeness in life, there are people who are available to mirror it for you. There are also many different types of modalities that awaken your spiritual energy. Sometimes, even exercise movements can move stagnant energy inside you. Essential oils, Flower Essences, or spiritual books can open your consciousness to a better understanding of your Oneness with God and open your mind to a greater awareness and new beginnings. 

  Looking from a Spiritual perspective, acknowledge your God-like qualities, which lead you to new thoughts and awesome new beginnings.

Happy New Year, Happy New Beginnings,

Linda La Croix is the Unity Director & Prayer Chaplain at Unity of Lake Orion

01/20 Energy workers Brunch 10 AM-12 Noon enjoy “like” minded conversation at Unity of Lake Orion 3070 S. Baldwin Road, Orion Township, MI 48359, (248) 391-9211


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