By Barbra White
That which is the most precious and valuable thing on the planet you cannot work for or earn!! Can you simply rest as that which requires no belief, action, or thoughts to Be?
Life is a case of mistaken identity.
We think we are these bodies…
these thoughts.. others’ opinions of us.
This is why opening to the Real You
takes a Warriors’ heart.
It is a paradox that we must have a daily grounded embodied practice and feel our feelings, to open up to that broader self-identity.
Root down…. to rise up.
Love your humanity to know your divinity.
It’s a daily practice.
Birthing God on Earth in your being
This is the Quan yin, feminine or Soul path
Why a goofy happy deer? Because it takes great courage to open up to wonder and curiosity to life.
Why is wonder so hard?? We know our pain. We know the story. Opening to possibility and wonder is a radical act of faith.
Humans are identified with their thoughts.
It is not “think therefore I am.”
It is “I Am”; therefore, I think
You exist as Love
“…with all the dark field microscopes and technology, we cannot truly find where a thought originates. It is beyond the physical mind.”
Dr. Deepak Chopra
If you didn’t think, you are your thoughts. You would have no suffering.
It’s that simple. Yet not.
Thinking positive is a good first step. But ultimately, you want to re-remember your true identity as spirit, beauty, love, and joy.
God consciousness is NOT something to achieve
Rather it is mid-wifed within
Emerging Soul expansion is unfolding from more to ever more
The Real YOU Awaits your courageous surrender
Being held, Gentleness, And Soft Surrender
are seen as weak with only a male God and patriarchal culture. Yet it is in letting we access real power.
Real Soul Power Comes In:
Not rising up.
Not pushing forward
Real power is in:
A peaceful dropping in
A radical acceptance of our wholeness NOW
In occupying our space fully Now (not after we heal something) we find “God.”
Mary and Christ were titles given to states of consciousness
The Mary within births the Christ as and in YOU.
Opening to wonder, you open to a border Self-identification. You are the trees, community, bees, plants, Christ, Quan yin, and stars.
You are a cosmic happening and vortex of energy.
I love teaching and helping people to rediscover their magic. Join the program or sign up for private training
Self Acceptance Process certification
4 life-changing retreats in person
6 trainings on line
4 private mentoring
Starts March
2 spots left
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