Resting In Your Lusciousness


By Barbra White

I’ve fallen in love with me, and I can’t get out of it. I can’t feel in my body how I used to. The trees, the vines, and flowers are winding their way through me. They hold me so tight, like a steadfast lover. They hold me tight in their relentless love; they whisper- don’t look away. It’s here, right here. We are birthing you. We choose you; we always have. We rejoiced when you heard our call which had traveled long down barren corridors but never gave up. I am suspended in grace as my physical being recalibrates with twists and turns, tingles and lightness.”   

~Miram Wright LMSW 

The plants, animals, and anima in all beings seek to express through you. In the stillness of radical self-love, the fullness of Life’s Divine celebration is reborn as you. 

As the beautiful poem above indicates, we must ‘get used to’ or acclimate to being loved, held, and seen. Unfortunately, we have become more comfortable with being unseen and unconnected. It is the light we are afraid of, not the darkness.    

Radical, gentle, life-changing shifts happen by simply allowing oneself to be held by nature and the yin (divine feminine). This holding is not by a theoretical spirit in the sky but by the land, nature, and body sensuality. Welcoming folx into retreats, they receive a deep holding through the Mother Bear Sanctuary land, community, and animals. Through this soft yin, gentle embrace, we watch as life-changing shifts happen.

The poem says, “Don’t look away,” because we have all been conditioned to fall back asleep. We have become more comfortable with worst-case scenario patterns (worry) and thinking about what people think about us. 

RESTING within the original seed of innocence and staying fully ALIVE within one’s own life is bold and a choice we must make daily if we want to be happy. Industrial growth war culture, or patriarchy, is designed to compare, compete, and put you to sleep. RESTING in the indwelling lusciousness of who you are versus what you do is radical to your social conditioning. 

Self-love is powerful because it allows access to universal love energy, the divine, and your True Self. Yet keeping one’s heart open is difficult because it requires courage to defy external expectations and embrace all parts of oneself. 

Loving the part of us that would rather blame others or ourselves, the tiny part of us that would rather stay with the familiar, known suffering than move into the unknown, is our joy, creativity, and freedom.

Are you willing to love those scary parts? 

Are you willing to allow nature, a friend, or a mentor to support your growth? 

Instead of blaming, maybe see what part of you is scared. Possibly soften into that tenderness within. Instead of analyzing others, maybe see what ordinary, simple needs your body may have. 

To be held? A hug? Feet on the Earth?  

Will you move into full Self-acknowledgment of your pain, stress, or body terror…because then and only then, beautiful, innocent sweetheart, can you be free to BE Your True Self? 

If you block the flow of Life River through you by denying your scared parts, you also block your creativity gifts and allowing Life to Love YOU! 

Loving oneself and allowing nature, God, and others to love you is courageous. We are meant to be in an inter-dependent co-arising with others. The time of the alone healer is done. The Earth and humanity need us to come together. It’s time for all of us wonderful folx on the spiritual-nature path to join and create a world that works for all.   

Welcoming all Earth Wisdom Keepers and social rebels: April 13, 12-230 focus is self-love and a nature ceremony Vegan potluck and cow snuggles 230-330 at Mother Bear Sanctuary in Pinckney. Retreats and trainings Holistic therapy: 


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