By Eve Wilson
Here is a wonderful way to lift spirit and soul in the cold months when daylight is low…turn up your chakra lights!
Chakras link our human limitations with our spiritual limitlessness. They bring light into our darkness and enlighten our hearts and minds.
As essential to our lives as our beating hearts, these spiritual organs are how we eternal spirits can live within human bodies.
Tuning your chakras is even better than stringing Christmas lights to bring joy! It may be a solution to seasonal depression. It can help you to see your way through and beyond stuck situations, release other people’s negativity, and work through grief.
Tuning your chakras helps your body and soul to heal. It reunites you with your true self when you have given yourself away to jobs or relationships. Don’t be surprised if it makes you smile more often!
I like to combine chakra tuning with Chakra exercising. The way I teach that expels the energy you are carrying from other people, strengthens your Inner Wisdom, and anchors your Higher Self strongly into your aura. It makes you feel fresh, focused, and ready for your life.
I am offering you my Quick Chakra Tuning MP3 for December for FREE! This is to encourage you to help me light the world this holiday season! Everyone in your life will enjoy your increased light, but not more than yourself. Find the website and coupon code at the end of this article. You can also get the Chakra Tuning Full Version, which teaches more about your chakras and gives you deeper healing from my website. The coupon is for the Quick Chakra Tuning, which is wonderful as a regular pick-me-up.
Here is some very basic Chakra information:
Humans have seven primary chakras, each with spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical jobs. Check out the diagram I’ve included; you will get an idea of their placement, color, and associated endocrine glands. Different teachers associate different glands with some of the chakras.
I am always split whether reproductive organs are root or navel. I think it can be both.
The diagram doesn’t give you the emotional and mental influences, so I will mention them here.
1-Root Chakra is physical energy and security.
2-Navel Chakra is will-power, forceful emotions, creativity, and magnetic attraction.
3-Solar Plexus Chakra is ego, self-worth, and focus of mind.
4-Heart Chakra is unity with Inner Wisdom, healing, the transformation of negative energy to positive, connection with others, and love.
5-Throat Chakra is the power of speaking, receiving through hearing, listening, and ingesting.
6-Third Eye Chakra is intuitive seeing and perspective on life.
7-Crown Chakra is unity with Higher Self and Higher Power.
In my Healing and Ascension Monthlies Class, I introduce you to your unlimited Higher Sets of Chakras, which help you to integrate higher levels of your true, eternal self. This helps your human self to ascend, allowing you to co-create life and fulfill your true purpose. You can learn more about Monthlies on my website when you get your Free Quick Chakra Tuning MP3!
Free Chakra Tuning MP3: Go to Click STORE in the menu. Add Quick Chakra Tuning to your Cart. Beneath Total Find Have a Promo Coupon? Click Redeem Your Coupon. Enter Code: QUICKCHAKRA before checking out to get it free!