Birthing the Christ, Buddha, or Soul Self in YOU! 


by Barbra White

If you don’t, Be you…God can’t Do you. You are a Christ, Budha, or Cosmic phenomenon seeking to wake up to Itself. Step out of conditions, circumstances, and opinions through self-love, and choose to know you were born to Be a beneficial Presence. 

You are not employed by a job; you are employed by the Presence. Your whole Life is an avenue through which you can express your gifts in ONLY the way you can. If you express your gifts, they will make a vibrational way for you. If you don’t, they will turn against you.” 

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” Gospel of Thomas

The first question your mind may ask is “HOW”? Here are some possibilities. 

  1. Give in the little ways, and then the big opportunities will show up. I started reading People’s Soul themes and offering specific natural health remedies to my aerobics fitness students in 2000. I offered it for free in my living room. This led to a huge healing center in Canton 6 years later. When I felt the calling to combine nature’s healing powers, spiritual transcendent teachings, and Self Acceptance Process, I didn’t have a natural setting to work in. So, I started taking people to parks for sessions. Then, from there, I heard: “Get some chickens and go to Detroit schools.” These chickens in 2018 were the beginning of Mother Bear Sanctuary and guiding people on how to Shaman their own Divinity with nature. (Divine Feminine Shamans)
  1. STOP waiting for some bolt of lightning or deity to save you. When you accept yourself as you are now (again and again) and then ask, “What is the next right step towards my dream?” I promise you, guidance will come. Take the next right step. For example, you may get an urging to call someone, speak your truth, write a poem, organize an event, volunteer, etc. If you ask what “What wants to emerge?” versus “What’s wrong with me?”, “why me?” or blame someone….. you will be guided and directed to the next step. 

Be immune to compliments and insults. Your growth may trigger others’ fears and insecurities. 

  1. Be independent of the “good opinion” of others. 

“If you cannot handle the arrows of jealousy and envy, then radiant success and brilliance are not for you,” said Dr. Micheal Beckwith. 

I have gotten letters from Christian teachers, Yoga teachers, etc.. challenging my work. They were not so kind. I have had loved ones unconsciously try to tear me down because of my shine. YET, as I cared more about what God, Angels and Earth ma ma thought of me and less about people’s opinions. My radiance protected me. What does that mean? “It’s like having good shocks on a car. You don’t feel the bumps” Jerry Hicks (Abraham Hicks). And, as I stayed in my expanded state through feeling the feelings that were triggered by their words, without adding stories (Self Acceptance), the loved ones rose in their vibration or left. Love will sort out the details for you. 

Self-acceptance and inner peace literally protect you. If you believe you must “bubble your energy” or “have protective boundaries,” you will become exhausted. Boundaries and blocking energy will drain you because they exist in the realm of effects.  

  1. When you step into a deeper remembrance of your True Soul, Divine Self, you live in a conscious Oneness with God. 

Loving everything that arises within breaks the unconscious agreements you’ve made to stay small, reactive, and disempowered. Loving yourself as you are (although an inward glance) is a gentle unfolding back to the beginning of you. 

Loving all parts of your humanity (light and dark), you come out of group consensus into your senses. In other words, you free yourself to be your True Self. 

As I teach in many of my Self Acceptance Process books, “Love your humanity to know your Divinity.”

The power of Creation is accessed within you through loving whatever arises, which results in a more expanded awareness (aka Birthing the Christ, Buddha, or Soul)

Bold enough to rest softly in your innate wholeness, you break ancestral chains of trying to find worth in external circumstances. In a peaceful inward permission to be your fuller Soul Self, you express love as who you are rather than validation of who you are. Learn more tools in: “How to be a student to your own Divinity” and “How to midwife Christ within.” You deserve to be truly happy. 

Jan 3rd FREE–Self Acceptance and Soul Awakening, 7-830pm email for Zoom link Jan 13th, 12-330 at Mother Bear Sanctuary “Catch a Vision for your Life” $45-80. Jan 22-March 7th, 14 workshops. Receive healing sessions, 734-796-6690


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