Divine Pleasure


By Alethea Monk Howard

Be transformed through divine pleasures. Divine pleasure flows in my life when I am at peace with myself and the world around me. Peace gives greater focus, and I can hear the guiding voice within when I am demonstrating good character to everyone on this journey and always doing my best. What kind of character do we have? Being of good character gives great strength and joy; just knowing who we are will bring blissful peace and contented joy. It can give a feeling of walking in Spirit at all times and that something divine is watching and protecting us. 

Having great faith is another Divine Pleasure which gives a sense of power that will help guide your life to the greater good…Yes, a knowing of strength to live each day with no worries…like riding on a magic carpet.


Within us, there is the spirit of love,

Flowing through our minds above.

There is a radiance of light shining bright,

That surrounds us day and night.

There is a closeness even when we are apart,

Which makes each day much easier to start.

We share the same substance,

Which makes us one with God.

Giving a sincere smile to someone, looking into their eyes, and their eyes smiling back brings light and happiness beyond our understanding. Goodness and kindness toward one another bring the satisfaction of divine…love to the heart:

  • Respect and honesty
  • A feeling of standing on solid ground
  • A firm foundation for righteousness

Standing firm on this vast earth and seeing the divinity of Self beyond what we can conceive, letting all be in divine order. Walk with Spirit, talk with Spirit, and listen to the music of the cosmos; it brings guidance and sanity to our world.

Look at Yourself and smile; laugh out loud just because you love who you are. Enjoy what you are doing rather than what you will receive from it. Let life flow into Divine Pleasure. Be thankful, be a joyful spirit, and be of calmness to bring wisdom to the soul so that we will behold all that is great and divine and be in a state of Divine Blessedness.

A friend wrote this song (Your Divineness), and I would like to share her words with everyone.  

“Your Divineness by DeeJazz”

Lost in the wilderness…Of unhappiness

Looking for a way To make a brighter day

I was deep, too deep to look up and see the light, the light of love

That’s always been right inside of me, but I was too blind to see…the real me

You are more than a woman and more than a man; we are more than human- Do you understand?

There’s a power that’s inside of you…It will bring you happiness

Will you come to terms with Your Divineness…

Oh, why not heal the pain? There is so much to gain

And only fear to lose, it’s up to you to choose

Why don’t you look, look inside your heart

That’s the place to start, to turn your life around

Inside is holy ground, was lost, but now I’m found

You are more than woman and you are more than man, we are more than human – Do you understand?

There’s a power that’s inside of you; it will bring you happiness

Will you come to terms with Your Divineness…

You know we are entering the Age of Aquarius, and we are all rising

To a higher consciousness, are you ready? Are you ready to rise to 

Your Divineness? Will you come to terms with Your Divineness…

Do you know what I’m saying? Do you know who you are?

When will you realize you’re a shining star

Do you know what I’m saying? Do you know who you are?

When will you remember you’re a shining star…

You’re a shining star; you’re a shining star

Will you come to terms with your Divineness?

Oh, do Ye not know Ye are Gods?”

From the album “A Musical Messenger” by DeeJazz. It is available on YouTube and can be purchased on all music streaming platforms. 

When we realize who we are, we can choose our own divine pleasure from the goodness of our own hearts. Let’s make our hearts healthy by loving one another in this time and space; be the man or woman you are meant to be. PEACE!

For hard copy CDs, email deejazz111@yahoo.com.


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