Miracles Are Possible For You


I had three diagnoses in August this year. It goes without saying that initially, I was shocked. However, I decided to stay open, to ask for help from God, and to see the Divine’s Grace in the illness.

In the initial shock, I asked limiting questions such as, “Why is this happening? I’ve been doing natural health, meditation, and regular cleansing programs…” I tried to analyze and rationalize. But ‘why’ is never a good question when faced with emotional pain or tragedy. The ego will come up with many, many, many reasons… that is usually your fault or someone else’s. The blame game. It is only after we accept the diagnosis, circumstance, or discomfort that we have access to the real ‘why’. “Seek first to love and understanding will come” –A Course In Miracles. The heart has greater wisdom than the mind.

So, I shifted from ‘why’ to “I accept this happening. I am willing to stay open to miracles.” I remained in gratitude, openness, and humility through meditation, self-acceptance, and prayer. Nine days later, when I returned for more tests, all three diagnoses had disappeared. (Confirmed by an M.D.) Even if we wanted to rationalize that one of the diagnoses was a mistake, then that still leaves too! Miracles are available to anyone and everyone. I have had the honor and privilege of helping people open to miracles through my, Self Acceptance Process, for many years. Teaching and doing this work also keeps me aligned with receiving my own miracles.

I had already experienced a physical miracle two years ago when I fell off a motorcycle, wearing a sundress while going 45 mph, and had no scratches. I am not special. After that experience and what happened to me in August, I believe even more strongly that anything is possible if we just stay open. Miracles are possible in the natural order of life when we stay open.

I don’t think miracles depend on whether you believe in Christ, a healing artifact, angels, Krishna, or a spiritual sign. Yes, there are all-powerful energies. I love Christ… healing artifacts of saints… spiritual signs and synchronicities, etc. That said, the entire power of the cosmos can’t do anything for you if you don’t stay open. Faith and belief can heal anything. Healing can take many different forms. Faith is a state of acceptance and openness to greater possibility. Anything that promotes a belief in the possibility and a state of openness can invite a miracle. Miracles are waiting to come to anyone who is open.

Miracles are not really miracles. They are a natural law, divine order, or the goodness already happening. Being open to possibility sounds easy, but it’s not for us humans. Being open requires acceptance and letting go of the way we identify ourselves: our past, accomplishments, failures, roles we play, etc. All of those identification tools mean that we are all materialists. Many don’t realize how tied they are into the physical, identifying primarily or only with the third-dimensional reality. Acceptance and openness invite a realization of our true identity as consciousness or the divine—we move from focusing on ourselves as physical beings to energetic and physical, spiritual beings—we become miracle-ready. “As we accept our humanity we know our divinity”..

Why Self Acceptance Is So Powerful

Acceptance of yourself creates an avenue for the greater possibility. Acceptance of your life stops the ping-pong match of resistance that keeps you trapped. Acceptance can take time. We become addicted to our negative thinking and limitations. It is the only thing we know. Some of us don’t even realize how addicted we are to our negative thoughts.

As the ointment of Self Acceptance begins to work on you, you become willing to stay open to what wants to emerge… because nothing is hopeless. There is no vacuum where energy, life force, or the Divine does not exist. Creation or God/Goddess is not just in all things… it is ALL things. Omni-presence means this cosmic force is in your problems, pains, and everyday struggles—including triple diagnoses and motorcycle accidents!

Just like a cell in your body has DNA to make a complete you, one atom of the Universe has the framework to make a complete universe. You have all the components of Creation as YOU. Right now. You are amazing just as you are. Yes, you. Even with all the ‘crap’, you don’t like. Don’t give up. Miracles are possible.

Join us! Self-Acceptance Workshop 7-9:00, Oct. 18. Aphrodite Rising Tribe 6-9:00, Oct. 4. 8830 Currie Rd., Northville. Only $40 drop-in! Self-Acceptance Certification and Healers Training Program — classes forming. 7-weekend retreats! Mention this article, and call to sign-up before the end of Oct. and receive $150 discount!


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