Mother Mary–Relax into an Easeful New Beginning


Written by Barbra White

You could set a goal for the new year, create a vision board, or set a fiery convicted intent. These tools can and do work…but they can also burn you out. A seed is planted, and then you let it rest. Set a goal without the feminine balance of surrender, and you may constantly feel like you’re NOT doing enough, or worse yet…YOU are not enough. Goals/intents are in the sacred masculine, patriarchal model or industrial growth mindset; go get ’em,’ make it happen, and charge forward energy without the rest, which will manifest depression. Keep reading if you want to cultivate the feminine, nature mystery, or Mother Mary consciousness.

The Mother Mary, Earth Womb, or Divine Feminine is emerging within human consciousness. #Me-too movements, trans-rights, and girl-power rallies are a step toward this awareness. 

Yet this reclaiming goes far deeper. 

It is a re-remembering of ancient Lemuria, the sovereign life force in Nature, and our core innate innocence that the push of patriarchy has stolen. The Great Mother holds that you are already enough, whole, and beautiful. You don’t need to ‘do’ what you already are. In her bosom, you feel her hold and affirmation of your fundamental goodness. 

New age ascension, religion, and western medicine have been infiltrated by a drive to ‘rise above,’ wait till “we get to heaven,” and a core denial of the holiness of the Earthly body. The body, our emotions, life force, nature, and soft womb surrender are the horizontal access of the cross; it is the Great Mother. The vertical of the cross is the sacred masculine, the action, movement, technology, or mindset…this is the father, God, or Christ. 

We need both, and the collective consciousness is mainly masculine. For example, most Americans need Omega 3 fatty acids (fish, flax) ….this does not make Omega 6 fatty acids (vegetable, soybean oil) bad; it’s just that we predominantly consume Omega 6– we need balance in our bodies. 

Similarly, the driving force in our collective systems is masculine, so to be in balance, most of us need more Mother Mary, Quan Yin, or horizontal access energy. Corporate culture and North America drive us to do better, and we are rewarded for doing so. In Soul Power Mystic Arts here at Mother Bear Sanctuary, we invite people to rest in their sweet innocence and animal bodies. This concept seems strange and foreign to our bodies programmed to push, fight and compete.   

There is nothing to fix because you are not broken. The You that you seek is already here. Your precious Being awaits your yield. 

Christ was born through Mother’s Love. It is odd how slowing down and letting ourselves be held within Nature’s intrinsic web has become hard “to do.” Yet, in our non-doing, everything we want is realized. An embodied peaceful connection to your purpose, Nature, and Soul is awakened in ease…not the push.

Our events are all focused on the profound Earth, Great Mother teachings. I hope to see you at some fundraiser workshops or in the apprenticeship in March.  

I invite you to cultivate this ancient feminine wisdom with the prayer below:

   Oh Divine Mother, May I go into this day holding the tenderness of my own heart. May I remember that the softer I am with my own heart, the more I can access the power of my Soul. Real love power, a power with all of life, is not found through only pushing or racing. There is wisdom in the stillness. 

Slowing down being with all of me, I access all I truly desire. 

Help me to relax my body into the unified field and melt like honey. As I walk in nature, please help me to remember that I am experiencing the trees as they are ALSO experiencing me. 

I remember Divine Mother to begin again and trust peace. 

It is when the sea is calm that the ships come in. 

The human ADDICTION to the rush, the pushing, the fight, the thinking, –, please clear that from me. May I trust softness and peaceful embodied presence even more so I can yield to the actual total power of my Soul. The angels, Christ and Great Mother do not reward desperation. 

It’s when I’m calm and still —all my needs can be met. 

Inner peace Is protection because it’s only when I am fully present to all of me that I have clear discernment and choice. Thank you, Quan Yin, Mother Mary, Angels, and Nature elementals, for your help.


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