Hypnosis Q & A with Cheryl Beshada C.M. Ht.


Hypnotherapy is the art of using the hypnotic state to elicit positive change and improvement in beliefs, behaviors and physical conditions. Below are answers that may help you understand hypnosis!

Q: Can Hypnosis help me keep my New Year’s Resolution?

A: Absolutely! 

Some hypnotherapists still make personalized recordings, which is the perfect way to reinforce your goals. Our hypnotherapists are skilled in interweaving powerful techniques that combine Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Ericksonian word patterns with hypnotic suggestions. It is the art of adequately formulating suggestions so the subconscious mind better accepts them. Our hypnotherapists have the skill that puts hypnotherapy heads above a guided imagery recording that one can download from the internet. Call for a free phone consultation to learn more about a personalized session that can be tailored to help you keep your New Year’s Resolution.

To find a skilled hypnotist, call (586) 899-9009 or go to www.HypnosisPractitionerDirectory.com to find a Certified Hypnotist near you. Be sure to mention New Year’s Resolution.

Looking to become a Professional Hypnotherapist? Our next class starts Feb 10th. Call or visit our website at www.clinicalhypnosisinstitute.com.

The Clinical Hypnosis Professional Group is a Directory of individuals that have maintained the Continuing Education Units or requirements specified by the Clinical Hypnosis Professional Group (CHPG) to ensure top-notch services.


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